Page 148 of The Wraith King

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“Hava,” I repeated with a sigh. “Gods save us. I believe she’s obsessed.”

She laughed again. “Look at him. Can you blame her? He’s so handsome. Aren’t you?” she asked the little bundle. “I think she may want one of her own.”

“Hava?” I tried to imagine it. “She doesn’t even have a mate.”

Una arched a brow up at me. “She has her eye on someone, though.”

“Who?” I asked, trying to remember if I’d seen her with anyone.

“Keffa.” Una grinned.

“No.” I laughed. “That can’t be.”

“Look at the way she watches him. And I’ve seen Keffa give her a few lingering looks as well.”

Keffa had doted on Hava ever since Ferryn had knocked her out. I thought it was simply his natural inclination to protect. Perhaps I was wrong.

“It would be good for him,” I admitted.

“And her,” added Una. “I think the fields below would make a beautiful site for a ceremony,” said Una, pointing with a finger now that Malcus had let it go, his eyes blinking sleepily. “Right down there at sunset would be perfect. Oh, look at that little blue bird teasing Drakmir.” She laughed.

Drak had taken up permanent residence in the purple fields, seeming to not want to leave Una’s side since the incident with Ferryn. I smiled down at the bird flitting around his head. He huffed a breath, and the tiny creature dodged and dove sharply, pecking him on the snout. He rumbled a growl in warning.

I squinted at the creature. “I don’t think that’s a bird.”

“It’s coming this way.”

On instinct, I stepped in front of Una and Malcus, deeming anything a threat until I was sure it was not. The tiny blue creature zipped straight up for us and only slowed when I raised my palm, ready to shoot it down with feyfire if it attacked.

It flapped its wings to float in place in front of us. It was a wood sprite. Her miniature feminine form was covered in downy feathers up over her breasts, her feet ending in sharp black talons. Instead of arms, she had bird-like wings, tipped black,and her feather-capped head had wispy feathers that curled at the neck. Her round black eyes shone with bright intelligence.

“Hello,” said Una.

She had a sense for things now since she’d swallowed the gods’ magick. She could feel when a creature was good or evil. I relaxed since she seemed at ease.

“Greetings, pretty queen,” the sprite said in common demon tongue, “and deadly king.” She blinked those round, black eyes at me. “I am Gwendazelle.”

“What business do you have here, sprite?”

She dipped a curtsy midair, reminding me of those water sprites at Dragul Falls. Thank the gods, she was much more even-tempered.

“My master bid me come to you.”

“And who is your master?” I asked sharply, needing to know who had sent this strange messenger rather than an emissary.

“Lord Vallon of House Hennowyn.”

The shadow fae priest.

“What message does your master send?” asked Una.

“He would like permission to visit you here at Windolek Castle. He knows you are protective of your queen and the wee one, so he sends me ahead.”

“He could’ve come himself and presented at the gate,” I told her.

She squeaked and blinked her dark eyes. “No, no. He has a hostage with him. He must be certain. And...” She flew closer and whispered, “He wants you to keep it a secret.”

“From whom?” I asked.

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