Page 23 of Forged in Fire

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Longer pause.

“This evening. I’ll meet you there.”

He slipped his phone back into his pocket without any sort of explanation. Not that he was obliged to tell me anything anyway, but I really wanted to know who would be calling him at whatever ungodly hour this was. What kind of friends did a demon hunter have?

“It’s time to get you home. I’ll escort you to ensure you arrive safely.”

“How will you get home if you drive me home?”

“There are other modes of transportation.”

“Modes of transportation? Who talks like that?”

He made no reply, walking toward me. Knowing he was about to squeeze into my personal space as he liked to do, I ambled back down the hall to get my things.

“Your phone is still on the coffee table. I sent your roommate a message. She texted you thirty-eight times to find out where you were, threatening to call your father.”

“Oh no! Mindy!”

He was right. She had texted me exactly thirty-eight times. Her messages were repetitious:Where R U? Who R U with? Why aren’t U texting me back? I need more Easy Mac. David isn’t coming over till later. Why won’t U answer me? Is your phone dead? If your phone’s dead then U can’t get this message. OK, you’ve never not answered me. WHERE R U? OK, if U don’t answer me, I’m calling the police. No, I’m calling your dad, which is worse and U know it!

Her string of messages finally ended. Then a brief reply from my phone:I am okay. Do not call my dad. I am in good hands and will explain to you when I arrive home in the morning.

This was a bit stiff coming from me, but she must’ve bought it. The message after read:In the morning? Are U sleeping at a guy’s house? OMG! Are U at Malcolm’s? No, U wouldn’t be with Malcolm, not like that. Did U run into that hot guy from Tartarus? The one U told me about? Details! I want DETAILS! David’s here now. See U in the a.m.

I literally felt the blood drain away from my face as I read this last text. Please tell me Jude didnotread her response. I wanted to crawl under a very large rock in a very deep hole in a very dark cave and never come out.

I wish I’d never told Mindy about meeting Jude that night. Of course, I withheld nearly our entire encounter, but I had to tell her about the dance floor incident since Steven wouldn’t shut up about it on the way home.

The sad thing was, my thoughts of the “hot guy from the club” had morphed into something entirely different. Yes, he was still hot—hotter, actually—but the attraction was tempered now with a sense of dread. Or maybe cautious respect. You know, the way you respect a rattlesnake or a grizzly bear.

“Are you ready?”

I yipped.


He eyed my phone in my hands. I quickly tucked it into my back pocket. I swear he smiled, just barely, but I saw it. Heat flushed into my cheeks.

There was a sheathed sword strapped to his back.

“Are you going to walk around like that?”

“Of course. I never go anywhere without a weapon. Demons don’t sleep, Genevieve.”

“Don’t you think people will find it a little odd? Halloween isn’t for another two weeks.”

“No one will see it.”

“What do you mean?” Hooking my thumbs in my front pockets, I considered. “Can you make it invisible or something?”

“Yes. All Flamma can cast illusion.” By all, he included demon hunters.

“Were you wearing a sword the night I met you?”

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