Page 115 of Forged in Fire

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“All right.”

“It will feel a little odd, but it won’t take long.”

As in my-man-watching-another-drop-dead-gorgeous-man-kiss-me-on-his-couch odd? My heart fluttered. Not in the same way Jude made my poor heart race, but she was definitely gearing up for warm-up laps.

I was stiff as a board. George gave my hands a reassuring squeeze to make me relax, but it didn’t work. As he shifted his upper body toward me, I closed my eyes, unable to watch him draw closer. A hand gently cupped my cheek, tilting me at a small angle. I could feel Jude’s gaze burning into me, no matter that he’d actually asked George to do this.

Soft, warm lips touched mine, slightly apart. He didn’t move in a sensuous motion. Thank God! But his hand drifted to the nape of my neck, lightly pressing us together. The pressure of his lips felt soothing. With a sudden shock, my VS jolted awake, flashing in a burst of stars.

Our mouths tasted each other more urgently, his tongue sliding over mine, lost in a moment of sensation. His power replied with a burning waterfall, a cascade of energy pouring over me from the tip of my head to my toes. Talk about a kiss that makes you melt. Fiery power draped through my torso and limbs, penetrating through bone, muscle, and singeing along my skin—a symphony of energy meeting and connecting us to one another.

Although the kiss wasn’t sexual, it was sensual and intimate, a bonding of another kind. My VS hummed, absorbing the power as my own. I’d forgotten that we were kissing in that extraordinary moment of light and power. Coming back to myself, I realized my hand had curled tightly, clutching his hand in my lap. Electric-hot, his mouth pulled from mine slowly with the slick, wet sound of lips parting.

“Genevieve.” He grinned devilishly. “Talk about seeing stars.”

I exhaled an unsteady breath, leaning away from him. My whole body thrummed with power.

“I’m not so sure you’re a saint anymore.”

He tossed his beautiful head back in a laugh. Jude rose stiffly, pulling me to stand beside him. I could feel the strain in his body, tight like a rubber band. I hoped he wouldn’t pop.

“I’m sure it was a wonderful experience for the both of you,” Jude bit out with painful effort and a sardonic lift of the brow. “Much obliged, George, but she needs her rest.”

In other words,get out.

“A lovely creature, your Vessel,” he said, clapping a hand on Jude’s shoulder and giving me a wink. “Keep her close.”

“I intend to,” was the curt response.

Before George had even sifted out, Jude’s lips devoured mine in a bone-melting fusion of tongue, heat, and breath. I knew what he was doing. Marking me. Not like Danté. No.

Jude spread his scent with mouth, hands, and body—a primal need to imprint me as his own overpowering every other impulse.

If I’d tried to resist, it would’ve been futile. As it was, I didn’t want to. I wanted even more than he gave. After kissing me senseless, he pulled back, piercing me with lion-gold eyes.


A throaty whisper against kiss-swollen lips. He held me against his body with a steel grip, the hard lines of him promised protection. And pleasure. He started a slow descent down the upward edge of my jaw, nipping softly at the tender flesh of my neck. I couldn’t say the word as my body tipped into a pool of sensation, swallowed whole by Jude. But my response pulsed loud and clear in my mind.


Suddenly, I was on his bed with his hard body pressing me into the mattress. Crazed with lust, I thrust my hands under his shirt, moaning at the feel of smooth skin over taut muscles.

On a groan, he popped up onto his knees between my open thighs. Holding my gaze, he unbuckled his belt, sliding the belt out of the loops with a resounding snap.

Jumping at the sharp sound, I said, “I thought we couldn’t…”

I lost my words, waiting for him to continue and unbutton his black pants.

Instead, he lifted the other end of his belt then said, “Put both of your arms straight out.”

Confused, I still thrust them forward. He wrapped a figure-eight with his belt, pulling tight to be sure they were secure then wrapped and buckled the ends around a decorative bar in his intricate headboard.

“What are you doing?” I asked in a rush, twisting my wrists on instinct, finding them securely bound.

He devoured me with his gaze and unbuttoned his black dress shirt with impressive speed. He tossed it aside then his undershirt, effectively punching the air from my lungs. The Celtic cross with its dark ink and sharp barbs rippled beneath flexed muscle, especially when he lowered his body over mine, propping his weight on his forearms.

Hovering his face close to mine, amber gaze molten fire, the lion present and hunting, he murmured, “I can’t fuck you, any part of you without putting you in danger.” He ground his hard cock between my thighs, his warm chest pressing to mine. “But apparently I can kiss and touch you without breaking the rules.”

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