Page 34 of Secrets at Sunset

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“Anna, sweetheart,” I whispered, unable to say another thing.

I clenched her neck tight but let my head fall back as I pumped a little deeper and came down her throat. A sizzle of fire electrified my thighs and up my spine, tightening my balls to near pain. I’d never come like that in my life.

A noise jarred me loose from my orgasmic ecstasy. Someone was trying to open the door. I jerked out of her mouth and started zipping and buckling.

“You expecting someone?” I asked.

“No.” She was wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, panting, her lips puffy and swollen from sucking my dick. If we hadn’t been interrupted, I was going to return the favor.

“Why don’t you go to the office?” I suggested.

“Why? They probably want to see me anyway. It could be the plumber to redo the bathroom, though our appointment was next week.”

My instincts were telling me differently, especially when Hale kept telling me I needed to stop keeping secrets. “Just go to your office till we know who it is.”

She slipped off into the small office area and shut the door till it was barely cracked.

I marched across the studio and into the small entrance and opened the door, my stomach dropping out. “Hi, Jonah.”

Scowling, he pushed past me and stormed into the room. Hands on his hips, he spun around slowly, taking in my toolkit still sitting against the wall with the dance bar. His face was flushed red. I knew the signs of Jonah’s anger. I also knew how to deal with him, so I kept quiet and waited, thankful that Anna stayed hidden.

“Where’s my sister?” he spat out, glaring at me now.

“Not here right now.”

He looked at the wall of mirrors and shook his head. “I can’t fucking believe you two, going behind my back.”

My heart triple-paced, and something twisted in my stomach.

“My parents’ too,” he continued. “They were against this studio thing, but you helped her do it anyway. I can’t fucking believe you!”

I experienced a split-second moment of relief that he wasn’t talking about us dating, but about the studio, then a bolt of anger shot up my spine. “She’s a grown woman. She can decide what she wants to do with her life.”

“Even if she’s throwing all her life savings away on this dream that could crash and burn and blow up in her face, leaving her with nothing?” He was borderline yelling, but I kept cool.

Crossing my arms, I held his gaze. “If she crashes and burns, there will be people there to pick her back up. She won’t havenothing. And this is a fine speech coming from someone who has no job and is spending his days writing the all-American novel.”

He glared, and I glared back. Finally, he blew out a breath. “It’s not the all-American novel. It’s way cooler than that.”

I didn’t respond. He’d insulted Anna, and I was having a hard time reeling in my rage.

“You always did have a soft spot for her.” He glanced around and nodded. “At least you and Hale did a bang-up job on the place. Looks awesome.”

Just like that, Jonah was calm again. His mood swings were notorious. He could lose his shit in a heartbeat, then be right as rain two minutes later. That’s why I always waited him out.

“Believe it or not, we are really fucking good at our jobs.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, yeah. But you’re going to have to tell my parents this Sunday. I’m not keeping this kind of fucking secret from them.”

“Fine. I’ll relay that to Anna.”

He nodded. “Good. I can’t wait to see you get your ass handed to you by my dad.”

I rolled my eyes. His dad loved me, but I was hoping he wouldn’t hate me for this. Still, I was behind Anna one-hundred percent no matter what.

“You all finished?” Jonah pointed to my toolkit all tucked away. “Hale was going to meet us at the Drunk Pelican.”

“That’s how you knew where I was?”

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