Page 10 of Secrets at Sunset

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“What are you doing here?” Reed’s concerned and somewhat annoyed expression hadn’t shifted.

“Um, well…” I took two steps up the porch then froze. “Can I talk to you a minute?” I gestured toward the porch swing to his right.

Still wearing an ornery frown, he dipped his square chin.

Taking a seat, I set my car keys down and gathered my wits, trying not to focus on the dark scruff of his afternoon shadow along his chiseled jawline, his piercing blue eyes, or the way he tracked me across his porch like a tiger in the underbrush.

“So,” I said matter-of-factly, “I took your advice.”

“Which advice is that?”

“I bought my studio.” I sandwiched my hands between my knees to keep from fidgeting, but I couldn’t stop my knees from bouncing.

“I thought you said you couldn’t afford the loan without your parents’ approval. Did they finally approve?”

“No.” I let out a nervous laugh. “I used my savings to buy the building. For the down payment, I mean. I’ll still need to start making monthly payments by mid-summer. I needed my parents to help with another loan to renovate the space. Which is why I’m here.”

“I’m sorry.” He angled his body toward me. “Why are you here exactly?”

“I have a proposition for you.”

His brow raised slowly in question, and I’m fairly sure, interest. But he said nothing, so I barreled ahead.

“You told me to be resourceful, which was great advice. So here’s my proposal. I will clean your house and cook meals for you daily if you help me with the renovation.”

Reed didn’t react. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t sure if he was even breathing as he continued to stare at me dead-on in an awkward silence.

After realizing he might need some persuasion , I continued quickly, “I’ll do your laundry, sweep, mop every single day. And I’ll have dinner waiting for you when you get off work. You’ll save some money on take-out, but it’ll be even better home-cooked meals. You can just come home and relax after working all day.”

“Except that I’ll be working on your reno after work. And on weekends.” He wasn’t frowning, at least, but his mind was calculating the late hours.

“True. But also, I can help with demo, removing the cubicle walls in the space. And if you show me what to do, teach me, I’m a great student.” I said the last on another nervous laugh.

His intense gaze swept briefly down my legs, and then he stood and leaned on the pillar of the porch, propping his tumbler on the railing. He swirled the glass, which was sweating from the afternoon heat. The ice tinkled.

“Your parents would kill me if they found out I was going against their wishes.”

“No, they wouldn’t. They love you like their own.”

His shoulders stiffened. “Until they realize I went behind their backs.”

After standing from the swing, I walked over and leaned my hip on the railing, facing him. “If you don’t help me, I’ll have to find someone else. I’ve bought the building. It’s done. I have a bit of money left over for supplies but not the labor, and I need a professional.” I glanced off into the yard. “Maybe Hale would help.”

I bit my lip, wondering if the devilish Hale Broussard would exchange labor services. Or if he’d just use the excuse to try to get me to go out with him for the hundredth time.

“The hell you will,” grumbled Reed, straightening to his full height. I always forgot how tall and broad he was until I was standing right in front of him. “You’re not going to Hale.”

The sun was sinking behind the trees of his house, gilding half of him in light, the other in shadow. I always felt like Reed was two different men. The one I saw and knew so well and the one he kept hidden from the world. What I wouldn’t do to know all of his secrets, to know all of him.

“Then you’ll help me?” I asked, hopefully.

His stormy gaze swept across my face, a pinched brow set deep in concentration. “Yes, Anna. I’ll help you.”

I burst into laughter and wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. How did a sweaty man smell so good?

His body stiffened, then slowly curled around me, one arm wrapping my waist.

“Thank you so much, Reed. This means the world to me.”

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