Page 12 of Taking What's Ours

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“What is it?”

“An SUV.”

“So, here’s what I’m thinking. We pick up your car and dog, and whatever else you want to bring with us. Load up your car, then we drop off this beast, and we take your car to Durango.”

“Don’t you have a plane ticket?”

“Yep, but I figure it’d be better if I stick with you, in case you have any problems on the road.” He glances over at me. “Sound like a plan?”

“I… I hate to make you do that. I guess I haven’t really thought this all through.”

“It’s no problem, Elaina. I love a good road trip if the company is right.” He grins. “We can stop at a gas station and load up on snacks.”

He’s doing his best to make this easy for me. “Dylan.”


“I want you to know I appreciate everything you’re doing for me.”

“No problem. I hate that my brother put you through all this, but trust me, you’re making the right decision.”

“I haven’t really decided anything yet. I’m taking some time to think it all through, like you said.”

“Right. Still, I think you should take as much as you can. No telling what Elliott will do to your stuff if he’s pissed enough.”

“My things will never fit in the SUV.” I think of my furniture, things I love.

“Okay, then we’ll come back and get it later, but right now, I think you just need to get out of town.”

“What if he won’t give it to me later?”

“Then he’ll deal with me.” He looks over with a stone-cold expression that tells me everything I need to know. Dylan will have my back, and I pity any man who pisses him off. Although he’s shown me nothing but a sweet, patient, caring man, I know there must be a side to him that is far from that. And I suppose that’s exactly what I need right now. He’ll never let Elliott take advantage of me, and I know I’m in good hands.

It's not long before he pulls to the curb in front of Elliott’s condo building.

Dylan dips his head to peer through my passenger window. “This it, huh?”

“Yes.” I stare at the place. It’s not my style. It’s sleek and modern, with all the amenities, but it has no warmth, no character, no homey quality.

“Wait there.” He yanks on his door handle and slips out, and I wonder if he’s going in without me, but he can’t. He doesn’t have the keys. I watch him walk around the hood and open my door.

I’ve never had a man open the car door for me. Not even Elliott.

Dylan holds his hand out. “Come on. Let’s get this over with.”

I lead us inside the lobby and across to the elevator.

“What floor?” he asks.


He hits the button, and up we ride. When we get to Elliott’s door, my hands are literally shaking as I try to slip the key in the lock.

“You okay?” Dylan asks.

“Yes.” I manage to get the door open and step inside. My dog runs to me, her tail wagging a mile a minute. I squat down and she licks my face.

“Wow. I wasn’t expecting a German Shepard. I figured you had some little yappy dog.”

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