Page 55 of True Anchor

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"Do you like me now because I look like Gavin?" His eyes were half-lidded and full of mischief. He loved the thrill of a mission. It made his whole body light up with energy.

"The way I feel about you has nothing to do with your brother."

His skin was too dark to show if he was blushing, but he cast his gaze to the floor and licked his lips again. "You look gorgeous."

Chapter 21 I Shield You


I drank in my girl from head to toe. Heart and soul, her beauty knocked me out. That red dress wrapped around her killer body, big hair cascading down her shoulders, lush lips begging to be bitten.

That woman belonged to me. Mine. I'd claimed her. She wore my ring. Not Gavin's. All this was mine alone. The last thing I wanted to do was drag her over to Kenny Zhao's or parade her in front of the guys.

I wanted to lock the door and take her here, hard, deep, and now. Mess up her hair, smear the lipstick, wipe that worried look off her face and replace it with the kind of blissful exhaustion that only a solid railing could evoke.

"You look gorgeous." My voice cracked like a teenage boy picking up his prom date, and I had to clear my throat to keep talking.

"Thank you," she said shyly and crossed her hands in front of her, her fingers fiddling with her new ring. Her arms looked clear of marks.

Of course I knew she wasn't truly mine. That this was an act just for Kenny's benefit. I knew that and I accepted it. I did. I just liked pretending way too much.

"You ready?" I offered my hand.


Her fingers reached out, and I drew her closer. Reluctantly, I led her out into the living room. Her arm stiffened when she saw most of the team was here. Since we were inwork mode, no one catcalled her, but I didn't miss the greedy eyes scanning her look. "We good to go?" I asked to bring the attention back to me.

Vander nodded. "Prepare to move."

After a final check of the gear, we loaded up the vehicles. We'd done many missions much more dangerous than this, but Wren's involvement had me on edge. If anything happened to her, I could not promise I'd keep my cool. I felt naked without my beard and weapon, but we couldn't risk anything more than the listening device planted in my tuxedo jacket.

We climbed into the back of an armored car, Vander took his position as the driver, and the convoy headed out to Brentwood.

She sat ramrod straight in the backseat, her breathing rapid and uneven. "You nervous about seeing Tommy?"

"A little."

"I'll be by your side all night. Won't leave no matter what."

"Thank you." She crossed her leg, and her foot bounced quickly as she fidgeted with her jade bracelet. Those new claws she was wearing were a little too close to her skin.

"Something else bothering you?" I took her hand in mine and rested our joined hands on her leg, which was exposed because of the full-length slit in her dress.

She chewed on her lip and peered up at me.

"Obviously something's up."

"I wasn't going to say anything." She glanced down at our hands resting on her leg.

"Well, you're saying it now."

She breathed in deeply and let it all out in a heavy sigh. "I'm not legally married to Gavin."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"The marriage ceremony wasn't binding. Legally, he needs to be there. That's what Brandy said."

I didn't know that specifically, but I also hadn't thought about it. I'd just assumed she was legally married to Gavin because I signed his name. "So who is going to tell the government he wasn't there?"

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