Page 33 of True Anchor

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"Apparently a few weeks ago, she was threatened at gunpoint by an enforcer named Tommy. He took her to Kenny's place and she met with him in person. Kenny threatened to make her his wife in exchange for her debt, so she said she was marrying Gavin to throw him off."

Wren hadn't even said anything yet. Hopefully, I was getting most of it correct, so she didn't have to relive it.

"So we should split the tasks among three objectives," Vander said as he counted them off on his fingers. "Finding Gavin, surveillance on Kenny, and security on Wren. Helix is already heading up finding Gavin."

"I'd like to be in on finding Gavin too," I said, remembering that Gavin could still be at risk here, and he should've been my top priority as my little brother. "But I don't want to leave Wren alone."

"She'll be safe in San Diego," Vander declared. "She can stay with Stella, and we'll put a man on her." I received eager nods from all the women, and Fiona was smiling in a familiar way toward Wren, so that eased some of my concern. Now, I was worried what particular man would beonher.

"I want Celeste on her." Celeste, formerly Misha, was a trained Russian operative. If anyone could keep her safe, Misha could do it.

He shared a look with his wife and she nodded subtly. "Fine. Celeste will be the lead on Wren's security detail. Helix will head the search for Gavin, Steel and I will set up surveillance on Kenny," Vander continued assigning tasks.

"And Tommy," Wren added. I was surprised to hear her mention Tommy by name.

"Right. The whole operation," I replied. I knew he'd held a gun on her, but I intended to ask her more about it as soon as we were alone again.

We were hashing out some details when a series of quick taps rapped off the front door. We recognized it instantly as Helix's code.

Steel opened the door for him and Talon, who entered carrying a duffle bag. "Yo, it's a party." Helix raised a hand like he was a celebrity walking the red carpet.

"We brought your stuff," Talon, the only member of the team who'd met her before today, tossed the bag on the couch next to her.

She jumped, startled by the object flying toward her, and I scowled at Talon for his lack of consideration.

"Thank you." She opened the bag, and I glanced inside as she leafed through it. It contained a jumble of clothes and toiletries, including medicine bottles and electronics. Even a few toy dinosaurs were shoved in there.

"You guys tossed all her stuff in one bag?" I asked Helix.

"Hey, at least we thought to grab her stuff." Helix took a seat on a dining room chair he'd pulled into the quickly filling up living room. "Might be some clues in there."

"There's no clues in her bathroom shit. You could've put it in a separate bag or something. She doesn't need her dinosaurs."

"They're not dinosaurs," Wren said quietly. "They're dragons."

The room fell silent for a long moment before Helix responded. "We were not providing a packing service, Mag. We were there to check it out, and if you'd like to stop being an ass about how we brought her shit, I could tell you what we found."

"Really, it's fine. Thank you," Wren said politely to the jerks who'd ransacked her place.

"Go ahead," Vander ordered calmly, not affected by our exchange.

"The system activated when they breached the door, but response time was such that the occupant was in the vicinity when the device detonated." Talon spoke mechanically, but implied in his statement was the fact that I was late getting her out.

"I got her. She's okay. I'm fine too if you were worried."

"Wasn't worried about you," Talon replied, and I wasn't sure if it was a dig or not. Talon was hard as hell to read. Impassive to a fault.

"When can I go back?" Wren asked.

Helix made eye contact with me. "She's not going back there. The structure is intact. The storage room and kitchen weren't affected, but it's gonna take some time to rebuild thefront shop and secure the entrance, if you even want to restore that piece of shit."

"It was her grandfather's bakery," I said to Helix.

He stared at me with a blank face like that meant nothing to him. "Anyway, fun fact, we found this card." He handed me a black card with white cursive writing on it.

I read it quickly and then summarized for the group. "It's an invitation to a Valentine's Day magic show at Kenny's mansion in Brentwood. They specifically want Gavin to be there which confirms my theory that they don't have him. Wren said Gavin knew nothing about Kenny or Tommy. They think I'm him."

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