Page 20 of True Anchor

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I reviewed some stories and pictures about Navy SEALs. Magnum and his friends did all that? Jumping out of helicopters and fighting in wars, underwater attacks? He seemed like such a normal person, a very large person, but it was hard to imagine him doing those things while he was sitting in a restaurant meeting his brother's girlfriend or when he was looking into my eyes as we got fake married yesterday.Although the way he carried a gun seemed very natural to him, and this was definitely not his first security system. He also knew exactly what to do to lose the tail we had from the courthouse.

The dark web didn't show me anything about Gavin or Kenny, as usual, and I wished I had my phone so I could check for calls. One text came in on the new phone from Magnum. I scrambled to find the paper with the password and entered it.

Mag: Everything good?

Me: Yes, good. Thank you. Any sign of G?

Mag: Not yet.

Around eight pm, a soft knock at my bedroom door got me up. Talon was standing there looking at me expectantly.

"Uh, hi." I hadn't spoken to him before, but he'd seen every corner of my living space.

He handed me a tablet with a bunch of icons and video screens. "Front, back, storage, bathroom, kitchen. It's a good start. We'll add more later."

I stared at it in shock.

"Daytime passcode, nighttime passcode..." He explained a few more features that turned on and off at various times.

A video image of my toilet caught my eye. "What about when I need to... ya know?"

"Privacy button. Panic button. Cancel button." He showed me icons located next to each screen. It was an advanced set up for my little bakery.

"Ah, okay."

He mounted the tablet onto a bracket in my room and connected it to a power supply. "I'll bring more control panels tomorrow, add panic buttons at the counters."

"It's fine. I'm sure this is more than enough."

He ignored my protests just like Magnum did. "After I leave, set it for nighttime, and don't open the doors unless it's me or Mag."

"Or Gavin," I added.

His brow furrowed. "Who's Gavin?"

"Magnum's brother."

He turned around and started talking to someone on his phone, presumably Magnum. He finished the call and turned back to face me again. "Gavin is not cleared for entry. Do not open the doors for him. If you see Gavin, or think you see Gavin, you call Mag at the number he gave you. My number is also in your phone under T for Talon."

"Okay." These guys were not messing around. I assumed I could trust Gavin, but the truth was that he hadn't shown up or contacted me, and maybe I couldn't. That was disappointing because he was my first boyfriend. The possibility remained he was in trouble somewhere, but I trusted Magnum to find him soon, so we could sort all of this out.

Chapter 8 Shattered Glass


The streets were dark by the time Talon left, and I carefully set the alarm for nighttime as he'd instructed. I looked around for signs of the cameras, but they were very subtle. I only noticed them because I'd basically grown up in this bakery. Talon and his team did a good job disguising them.

The nerves I'd felt the past few weeks weren't as bad tonight. My skin didn't itch, and I wasn't unconsciously pressing my fingernails into my arms. Something had changed. I still felt uneasy about the whole Kenny thing, I still missed Gavin and worried about him, but I also felt like a new factor had entered my life in the form of Magnum. He brought with him a little bit of comfort that I wasn't alone for the first time.

I liked lingering with that feeling and held onto it as I tried to sleep, but around midnight, a beeping alert on the control panel startled me.

It said there was motion at the front door. The screen showed a dark figure looking through the glass. My heart raced and a cold sweat broke out across my skin. I curled up in the corner of my room and became as tiny as possible until it was quiet and the cameras showed he had left.

I walked out slowly, cautiously, not turning on the lights. The front door looked fine. No one there. It could have just been a homeless person or someone peeking inside out of curiosity.

The back door slammed open, and Magnum's urgent voice filled the air. "Wren, run! This way!"

I turned to see him racing toward me from the kitchen, his face set in fierce determination. My whole body froze up like a glacier. I needed to run, but my legs were locked.

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