Page 106 of True Anchor

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Then his hands were there forcing the fabric down, his body blocking the wind as I regained my vision and saw his beautiful face.

His chocolate skin, whiskey eyes, wavy hair with golden highlights, full lips smiling at me. He was a freaking dream come true in a tuxedo.

"I got you." He unbuckled the seatbelt and lifted me up.

"Mag, wait!"

He started running, carrying me down the aisle to the arbor. The guests were laughing and clapping.

I landed on my feet with his hands on my waist to steady me. My chest heaved as I peered up at him. "Oh no! My headpiece fell off." My special golden crown that Stella had made to match the dress and provide a nod to my Chinese heritage. I tried to wrangle my loose locks and the veil that somehow remained attached to my hair, but the wind was still blowing into my face.

Mag switched our positions so the wind was at his back and blew in my direction. My hair and veil were suddenly out of my way and billowing out behind me.

"You have never looked more beautiful." His eyes were glossy, his white teeth gleaming in the sunset.

"This is probably all very bad luck." We didn't follow any of the traditions for the bridal entrance, and now we'd be cursed with misfortune in our marriage.

"Hey, we make our own luck. Me and you. Everything we need is right here." He motioned between us with his hand.

I nodded and turned to face the guests for the first time. A sea of friendly faces stared back at me, and I laughed at how silly I'd been, trying to make this perfect instead of accepting the reality. Life was messy. Things didn't go as planned, but you rolled with it.

I looked him in the eye. "Okay. Let's do this."

Then I saw Stella shuffling full-speed down the aisle in her red bridesmaid's dress. "Wait up. Hold up, now."

She was out of breath when she reached us and plopped my head piece on my head, digging the combs into my scalp. "A queen's gotta have her crown." She slapped the bouquet in my hands. "And her flowers."

With a hair toss, she turned and strutted back to her place in line with Brandy and Celeste, my other bridesmaids. Sylvie, my maid of honor, smiled patiently which gave me confidence that this was all going to be okay.

After the laughter died down, Mag said to me, "Can we start now?"

"Yes, sugar, go ahead," Stella waved her hand.

There was more laughter as we turned to the officiant.

I was surprised to see the judge from our fake wedding standing there. "We are gathered here today to join Wren and Magnum in matrimony. Again." She winked and raised her lip at the same time in the corniest move I've ever seen an older lady make.

Holy shit. I glared at Mag, but he was grinning. "What did you do?"

He pressed his lips together and shook his head slightly. Total poker face, but I knew he'd planned this.

"These two love birds came into the courthouse two years ago," the judge continued, "and I married them, but you see, the wrong name was on the paperwork, so today, we got that all sorted."

I glanced at Gavin—who was standing behind Vander, Mag's best man—and he was smirking. He obviously knew about this and kept it from me. Julian and Jameel, who were also groomsmen, looked guilty too.

"Join both hands."

I was still glaring in shock at Magnum.

"She said to join hands," he prodded.


Sylvie held out her hand, and I gave her my bouquet. I took a deep, centering breath and faced Mag again. I could do this. Exciting and terrifying at the same time.

"A marriage is not just a ceremony but a promise to put the other's well being before your own, to think of them in all your choices, and to willingly receive their deepest thoughts and intimate experiences."

It was so odd to hear the same words as the first time from this new perspective. How could it have been two years already?

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