Page 105 of True Anchor

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She sniffled and sat up, giving me her ring finger. I slipped on the band with two princess cut diamonds that fit perfectly around the one she already had.

She stared at it through tears. "Is this really happening?"

"Hell yeah, but this time, only the best for you. No city hall steps. You want a yacht, a mansion, a church, the hills of Scotland, wherever you want, you get it."

She laughed and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Fancy flowers, all your girls beside you, your dream dress. Make it all happen."

"I don't care about any of that."

"Yes, you do," Stella screamed from the table.

I laughed. "Whatever you want, you got it. The best of the best."

"Is that a yes?" Stella called out, impatient with us.

Wren turned to her. "Of course it is. Yes!"

We kissed again and finally separated after everyone got tired of watching us make out.

I gave the signal and the waiters emerged with the special fortune cookies I'd had delivered here earlier. Each one had a fortune that said, "Will you marry me?"

For the rest of the night, Wren kept opening them and saying yes and then kissing me. It was a great night.



This idea made a lot more sense when I suggested it with my feet safely on the ground.

"Go for it," Stella had said. "You only get married once."

I'd since learned that Stella was great at convincing me to do terrifyingly stupid things.

Too late to get out of it, now I was sitting in Remy's helicopter, in my wedding dress, stomach in knots, preparing to make a dramatic entrance at a ceremony packed with family and friends.

All my life, I'd made sure I was never the center of attention, but today was my wedding day, and there was no avoiding it. Today we would pledge our love in front of witnesses who would support us in our marriage, and I wanted that. It was important to Mag and to me, so I was going to do it, terrified or not.

The powerful thump of the rotors walloped in my ears as the Griffith Observatory came into view. Guests the size of ants sat in covered chairs lined up before a decorated arbor on the main lawn.

As we began to descend, my stomach lurched. This was it. Time to be brave. I sat up and envisioned it all coming off wonderfully, creating an epic memory we'd cherish forever.

But I also remembered Mag's warning that things didn't usually go as planned.

The helicopter touched down with a gentle thud, and the intense whir of the engine began to wind down.

I reached for the door and pulled the handle just as Remy called, "Wait!"

A chaotic wind pummeled me the moment the door flew open. The forceful gust tossed me in my seat, the seatbelt the only thing holding me in place. My hair and dress flew up and swirled all around.

Hours of work to get it right were whooshed away in two seconds.

I was supposed to wait for the rotors to slow, but in my excitement, I opened the door too soon and allowed the wind to rush at me. I struggled to push my dress down, but it blinded me and caught in my hair and lips. I dropped my bouquet and tried to spit the tulle fabric away from my mouth.

Everyone could probably see my naked legs under my dress, my garter belt, everything. They were all watching my dream blow away because I didn't have enough self-control to wait for the rotors. How totally mortifying.

Over the chaos, I heard laughing and Magnum shouting my name.

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