Page 96 of Fighting for Foster

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The buzzer rings and I'm off. I've practiced this a million times. It's not about the fastest speed. It's about accuracy. Climbing the rails, a stunt where you have to ratchet the bar up five levels is my greatest challenge. You have to keep the bar straight. If one side tips lower than the other, you drop thirty feet into the water.

In this case, my fear of water has helped me because I don't want to fall in.

I finish that challenge and the crowd roars. Two seconds to catch a breath and I'm climbing the wall.

After the wall, I manage to negotiate through the forest of doom, reverse hold pull-ups while swinging like Tarzan.

I make it to the platform before the water feature. I have to jump in, turn a handle while underwater to open a small door and swim through. This is the one that held me back all these years, but it's time to face it.

The door on the water challenge sticks shut, and I have to go up for a second breath. I lost seconds, but I only have to beat Bruce's previous time. My second attempt cracks the door and I crank it open, swim through, and I'm up and out on the other side.

I climb the last rope ladder and smack the buzzer. A jumbo green sign lights up that says "Winner." I beat Bruce's time. Now I get to fight him. It's a long walk up a steep staircase to the raised octagon. Bruce is waiting there for me, muscles puffed up, jaw tight, shoulders high.

The lights reflect off his bald head. I've been studying his style. He's weak on his left side and he consistently comes out with a kick-punch combo.

His big advantage is he didn't do the course today. He's fresh. Hopefully he's cold, because I'm hot as hell and I feel like I could climb the Statue of Liberty.

The ref goes over the rules. They follow typical MMA rules, which are more restrictive than the underground fights. No dirty shots in the octagon, but essentially I'm free to kick his ass however I prefer. He's been talking smack about me, saying I'm the skinny kid because I'm lean compared to his bulk.

I'm not pulling any punches for him. I'm going to start with his ugly face. I rush him and he dances around, trying to tire me out. "I can go all night, asshole."

"Fuck you," he says.

He leads with his kick punch combo but I grab his leg and twist him off balance. That's my in.

I'm in the zone. I'm not even sure what he's doing because I'm throwing everything I got at him. Full-force kicks and punches in rapid succession. Good. Blood.

This riles him up and he lands a kick to my side. He's adjusting to my style so I have to pivot.

Let's take this to the mat.

He throws a punch, and I let it land on my gut. It hurts but gives me the chance to grab his wrist, get in there, and get an arm around his neck. He fights it by staying up on one knee, so I jump up and over him while wrenching his arm back. This forces his back to the mat and I'm on him.

I have his hand pinned and I'm going off on his face.

This is T.V. though so someone pulls me off him.

They are tending to his face when I feel hands and arms on me.

It's a huge celebration with confetti, horns, champion music. The host brings out an ornate red and gold crown and plops it on my wet head.

I hop over the side of the ring and grab Mila. Knox, Sutton, Mace, and Remy jump up and down and pat me on the back. The crown falls off and Sutton picks it up and hands it back to me. Mila plops it back on my head.

Everyone is pumped. Now's my chance to make a memory.

Knox hands me the ring.

I drop to one knee and smile at Mila.

The crowd is silent for a second then erupts in crazed cheering.

Mila covers her face with her hands.

"Mila. I've wanted to marry you since I first saw you. Now, it's finally here. Marry me."

She nods and drops down to her knees.

We kiss through a smile and the crowd erupts again. We put on a good show, but this is reality for us.

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