Page 85 of Fighting for Foster

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As I blush, I'm thinking he's so friggen delicious to look at, I want to stand up and scream to the other people in the restaurant "I just had sex with this hot guy!" This restaurant is so casual and laid-back, I'm not sure anyone would care if I did stand up and announce it.

A waitress brings him a colorful fish taco with red corn tortillas and purple cabbage. She hands me a hefty green burrito with Spanish rice. It's so big, I'm going to eat it with a fork and knife.

My first bite is the perfect blend of fresh tomatoes, cilantro, avocado, sour cream and rice. "Oh my God, it's yummy."

"Mmm. Good." A piece of cabbage sticks out of the corner of his mouth.

He finishes one taco and before starting the second he catches my gaze and says, "I'd like you to stay," in a soft voice. Not telling me, there's a question in it.

"Here in California?"

"Yes. We make it through whatever happens with your dad, and you stay with me." He sounds casual but he's really saying something big.

"I said last night I would." In the heat of the moment, I said it, but I meant it.

He puts his food down and leans forward on his elbows on the table. "I want you to say it while we're dressed and upright." His gorgeous lips turn up at the edges.

"I want to stay." I smile back at him.

He lowers his chin and makes sure he has my eyes. "You ready to leave your family?" he says quietly.

I nod and speak with confidence. He needs to hear it from me. "I've left. I won't forgive them. I won't go back."

He looks down at his lap then back up at me with soft green eyes. He sighs and leans back in his chair. His hand comes up to caress my cheek as a contented grin spreads across his face. I love that I'm finally making him happy and saying yes to us freely. No more holding back.

"Anyone know you came out here?" he asks quietly.

"No," I whisper back.

He's still smiling when he picks up his second taco. "We'll get security equipment at Supply Depot. I'll make sure they won't touch you."

This makes my heart warm because he knows my worst fears and he's trying to reassure me. For the first time, I don't feel scared. Everything is different overnight. Can it really be this easy? I feel terrible that I didn't do this a long time ago. It took me forever to find the courage. I'll have to work on forgiving myself for that and making it up to Foster.

We finish up lunch quietly, both of us taking in the new environment and the joy of being together. We walk hand-in-hand into the building supply store. He loads up a flat metal dolly with long pieces of lumber and thick ropes.

"What are you building?" I ask him.

"Obstacle course."

"Ooh. Good idea."

I like that he feels motivated to work out and build something permanent at the cabin.

He picks up outdoor cameras, lights, motion sensors, perimeter alarms, and lots of window hardware. You'd think we were preparing for war.

As we're paying for our order, Foster's gaze stops for a second on a kid at the end of an aisle of tools. His clothes are dirty and his hair hangs in his eyes. Foster shakes it off and pays as we walk out.

The kid walks past us and Foster's eyes track him.

It's odd because Foster doesn't usually watch the people too much. He's usually tuned in to me and lets the world go by around us. But this kid is different.

Foster holds up a hand, signaling for me to wait by our cart, as he walks ahead to catch up with the kid. I'm not waiting by the cart, so I follow him.

He taps the kid on the shoulder. "Hey, did you lift something in there?"

"Fuck off." The kid stops for a second, glances at him, then turns and walks away.

"Hey! I saw you take something without paying." Foster follows him.

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