Page 70 of Fighting for Foster

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"What the hell is your problem?" he asks me.

"What happened to your face? Why is your hand bandaged? Did you have a fight tonight?"

He shakes his head and talks fast. "Your dad had Rocco and a bunch of guys ambush me."

"Ambush?" My dad had guys attack Foster? Is that why Donnie looks so upset?

"Nevermind about that. I'm fine."

For a brief moment, my mind remembers the night I found out he lied about being the waiter in the pool and how betrayed I felt when he showed up at my father's apartment for dinner. He'd been "working" for him for months and didn't tell me. My mom told me to be wary of men, but Foster has proven himself to me over and over. But now Donnie and my dad have me doubting everything.

"Donnie said you're a cop." I feel terrible accusing him, but I want to hear what he has to say.

He looks to the ceiling and rolls his eyes. "Your brother is lying." He holds his arms out, palms up. "Do I look like a fucking cop?"

He doesn't look like a cop but he doesn't look like a fighter either. He's so clean-cut and well-groomed. "Donnie says he saw your badge."

"No one saw my goddamn badge because I don't have one." His hands fall and slap on his thighs.

I want to believe him. I really do. We don't have time for this right now. He needs to get out of here or Donnie will shoot him. I sit on the end of my bed, hunch my shoulders, and stare at the floor. "You need to leave right now, Foster."

He drops to his knees in front of me and reaches for my hands. I pull them away, and he plants his palms on either side of my legs. "I'm everything I told you I am. Haven't I proven that to you?"

I nod but I'm really confused and scared.

Foster's words come back to me.Trust me in the future. If shit comes up again, remember, I'm the one being honest and telling you the truth.

I believe him. I really do. I don't trust Donnie at all, and I'm furious my dad sent Rocco to beat Foster up.

"Listen." Foster draws me back to him. "Your dad knows about us. He's been setting me up for a fall. He wants me to kill Renzo or he'll kill me."

"What?" I gasp and my heart sinks.

"Your dad threatened me. Told me I have to kill Renzo to be with you. If I don't, he'll kill me."

Oh Lord. This has all gone batshit crazy quickly. "I'm so confused. Please just go."

His hands grip my upper arms and shake me, not hard, but enough to get his point across. "I'm not lying. Your dad is making his move. I'm getting out of town until the dust settles. Pack a bag and come with me."

I glance to the closet, to the balcony door, then back to him. "I can't leave with you right now. Later…"

He stares at me in shock. He thinks I'm not giving him a chance. He thinks I don't believe him. He grabs my wrist and holds it up. The bracelet falls down my arm.

"See this? I was seventeen. I didn't have any ideas about being a cop. I had no vendetta against your dad. It was you. I wanted you. Why can't you see that?"

I look from the bracelet to his eyes. "I'm sorry. Please just go. We can talk later."

"Later? This has to happen right now. There is no later." He takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. "You think if I was going undercover I'd pick a name like Foster Dunham? All this woulda been a helluva lot easier if my name was Tony Romano. I'm telling you your dad asked me to commit murder and threatened my life. You need to trust me, and we need to get out of here. If we don't go now, we'll be so deep in the Mafia, we'll never get out. I've already got you. I don't have to try to be accepted by him anymore. I have your heart."

Oh my God. It's true. I believe him. I believe my dad threatened him and he's in the Mafia. It's hard to accept but I believe Foster.

"You do have my heart." I start to cry. I can't say what I want to say in front of Donnie, and I hate that I'm hurting Foster.

"You need to listen to it right now because you know in your soul, I love you. You love me."

He thinks I don't love him. "I can't leave right now. It's too dangerous. Please, go. We'll talk later."

He sits next to me on the bed. "Reality check time, Mila. Renzo's father killed your brother."

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