Page 65 of The Christmas Catch

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He could do that, he just didn’t know when. It certainly wouldn’t be while munching on Christmas popcorn and watchingThe Polar Express.

Once the movies were over, Jahleel stood up. “I’m gonna head home.” He gave a side hug to Bebe as her parents looked on. “See you tomorrow?” he murmured.

“Yes, please,” she whispered.

“Perfect.” In a louder voice he spoke to her folks. “Goodnight, Mr. and Mrs. Willabee.”

“Goodnight, Jahleel. Tell your mama I’ll be over tomorrow, ’kay?” Bebe’s mother smiled.

“Will do.”

“How about I walk you out?” Mr. Willabee asked.

Jay nodded. Now they could talk about the elephant in the room instead of ignoring it. Jay kissed Bebe’s cheek and headed toward the front door. Mr. Willabee motioned for Jay to go first. Once the door clicked closed behind them, Jay breathed out a sigh.

“There’s something I need to say, sir.”

“I’m sure there is, but let me go first.” Mr. Willabee crossed his arms over his chest.

“Yes, sir.”

“What you did to Bebe when y’all were in high school was foul. But you were young, so I gave you a pass.”

This didn’t sound good. “But ...”

“But y’all aren’t kids anymore. I need to know your intentions, or I will steer her clear of you in a heartbeat.”

“Sir, I want forever with Bebe. I want to be a father to Hope if Bebe will let me. I’m not trying to mess with her heart or break her trust ever again.”

Mr. Willabee studied him. “Does she know this?”

“Kind of.”


“She knows I want to be with her and that I’ll figure out the details as to when and where. I have loose ends in Texas I need to tie up.”

“Then you’re moving back here?”

“Not necessarily. We haven’t really talked about that. I expect that will come once we’ve been together longer. I don’t want to rush her.”

“That makes sense.”

“But I haven’t told Bebe I want to be a father to Hope. She’s still trying to figure out the whole situation with Will.”

“Hold up.” Mr. Willabee held up a hand. “What situation with Will?”

Shoot.Did he not know? “Sir, I don’t want to break a confidence.”

“I get that, but if I need to go find that knucklehead and knock him into next week, you need to let me know.”

Jay shifted his feet. Did he owe Mr. Willabee the information? He’d been taught to respect his elders, but this was Bebe’s business and only hers. If she wanted her folks to know,she would’ve told them, right? “Sir, I’d feel better if you talk with Bebe. I don’t want to say anything.”

The man looked him up and down, and then respect shone in his eyes. “Very well. I’ll do that.” He offered a hand.

Jahleel shook it. “Have a good night, sir.”

“Don’t hurt my baby girl, and we’ll get along just fine.”

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