Page 56 of The Christmas Catch

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We’re all mad here.“How do you know he’s worth it? What do you even know about him?”

“I know he makes me laugh, and you know how much I like to laugh.”

Bebe studied her friend. “You’re going to move to Nashville to laugh? Do you hear yourself?”

“I’m not tying the knot tomorrow, girl, so calm down. The only reason I’ve stayed in Peachwood Bay is because I’m comfortable.” May shrugged. “My parents moved five years ago and love Atlanta. Moving to Nashville doesn’t make the distance to Atlanta any farther. It’s literally the same amount of time. I’m just trying to be closer to Ryan to see if we have what it takes to make it. If not, then at least I tried.”

If not, then at least I tried.Why did that feel like a punch to the gut? “May,” Bebe whispered.

“You’ve stopped living, Bebe. You let Will steal your joy and trap you in a town you’re not committed to.”

“I ... I love Peachwood Bay.”

“You do, but you and I both know you’re merely passing time here. Now it looks like the reason for your waiting has arrived. Jay wants to be with you, and you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

May was right. Bebe was scared to live. Scared to do anything that would put her heart at risk for more heartache.But God never promised this life would be easy or that your heart wouldn’t break.

“I don’t know how to live anymore,” she admitted. “And how do I know he won’t leave me again?”Or divorce me like Will?

“Because this time he told you he wouldn’t. Plus, you’ve been checking in with God. You didn’t do that before, right?”

Bebe shook her head.

“I’m sure you can figure out the right path before Christmas gets here and that man leaves. You’ll both want answers by that point.”

Bebe nodded. She already wanted answers, but Jay had pointed out that she didn’t need to know the end to start. Maybe going out with him, shopping with him, and watching movies with him and Hope had all been the first steps in learning how to live and trust again. Not just trusting another man but trusting herself and that she was looking toward the Lord as her source.

“Just keep on taking baby steps. Oh, and look for a job.” May grinned.

“I don’t want to live far away from you.” Bebe poked her lip out, wanting to throw an adult-sized tantrum. Why did life have to be so difficult?

“At least we’d both be moving. If I stayed here, you would be farther from me in San Antonio than if I move to Nashville.”

Bebe sighed. “Fine.”

“I have some frequent-flyer miles.” May put an arm around her. “I’ll visit.” She squeezed Bebe’s hand. “We went to different colleges and managed to stay the best of friends. We can handle you moving to Texas.”

“Still. I’ll miss you.” But May was right. Their friendship had stood the test of time, it could handle a move.Ifthat was what Jay wanted as well.

“Here, I’ll get my laptop, and we’ll look for jobs.” May got up and headed for her bedroom.

Bebe closed her eyes.Lord, I need a sign. I’m talking about a loud, lightning-striking typeof sign. I know You want my trust, and Youhave it. I just don’t trust myself. I wantto trust I hear Your voice and not my own.Help me to know it’s You. Please, please helpme.

She let out a yelp when she opened her eyes. May was staring at her, wearing a headband with reindeer antlers made of felt. “Why didn’t you make some noise coming back in here? And what’s with the antlers?”

“Hello, you were praying.” May grinned mischievously. “The antlers were in case I scared you.”

Bebe chuckled.

“I pulled up the San Antonio school district. Of course, I have no clue where Jay lives. He could live in the suburbs or something. If you want to be near him but not tell him that you’re looking yet, ask Mrs. Walker. She’ll go crazy with excitement.”

His mama had been the first to call out the rift between them. “You’re probably right.”

“That’s because I always am.” May winked.

As they searched through the listings, the butterflies in Bebe’s stomach slowly settled down. There were a few kindergarten openings in the district. One even advertised for a start after the New Year. Could that be a sign from God that moving to Texas was the right move?

With a prayer, she waited for apprehension to fill her, but rightness took its place. Figuring it couldn’t hurt to see what happened, Bebe let May help her fill out the application. At the last page, May paused. “You ready to hit submit?”

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