Page 42 of The Christmas Catch

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“Have a good day, Reverend.” Ryan tossed a wave over his shoulder.

“So spoiled you have to get house visits.” His father grunted, placing his house keys on the hook by the door. “I never would have infringed on a friend like that in my day.”

“You had friends?” Jay turned away to regain his composure.Smart-aleck comments won’t help thesituation.

“Plenty. Ones I didn’t desert, and ones who didn’t desert me.”

Jahleel’s head shot up, and his eyes locked onto those of Obadiah Walker. “Is that what you think? That I abandoned you? No, sir. You did that a long time ago.”

“‘Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.’”

“‘Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged,’” he shot back.

His father’s jaw clenched, bulging near his ears.

“All my life, all I ever wanted was your approval,” Jahleel said. “A kind word. But no, you couldn’t give an inch of compassion where I was concerned. I’m not even sure if you give your congregants the mercy they need. What’s it like, seeing sin in every corner and ignoring it in your own life?”

“You will not speak to me in that manner.”

“That’s just fine because I have nothing more to say.” Jahleel headed for his bedroom. His scalp prickled. His muscles twitched from the death grip he had on his crutch.

“Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you, boy.”

Jahleel paused, head down. “I’m not a child.” He lifted his head and stared right back at his father. “I’m a man who deserves just as much respect as you demand. And right now, I need to leave before I say something I’ll regret.”

And with that, he continued toward his sanctuary.



Bebe’s frame shook lightly as her leg jiggled up and down. Its steady rhythm didn’t penetrate the mental haze as she stared at the clock. Knowing mobility was an issue, she’d offered to pick Jay up to go to the reindeer farm, only he insisted on doing things therightway. Which meant she’d been dressed and ready to go half an hour ago, as if this outing was a true date and didn’t bear theworkmoniker she’d attempted to force on it. Would they have fun today? And how could she make it fifteen more minutes before theirwork datebegan without contemplating what the future could possibly look like between them?

Lord, why does my mind automatically go to the future? You tell me not to worry about tomorrow, andI don’t want to. I want to rest intoday and be present in the moment. Please help mythoughts focus on the now instead of the what-if.

She popped off the couch and headed into the kitchen. A drink of water might steady her nerves. The filtered water sloshed as she poured it into a mason jar. The first sip brought relief to the intense dryness in her throat. The second sip remindedher she’d been down this road before. Dating Jahleel wasn’t anything new.

Except now you have a child.Who had been all too happy to go to Rosa’s to play with her daughter.

Bebe placed the glass against her forehead, reveling in the coolness. The cowl neck sweater she’d paired with her dark-wash jeans made her uncomfortably warm. Or it could be the troop of rabbits stomping their feet in her stomach.

The doorbell pealed, echoing in her quiet home. She gasped. Her mason jar dropped into the sink, rolling around.Get a grip. It’s Jay. It’snot the first time you’ve been alone with him.She slid her hands down her pant legs, then headed for the door.Don’t be nervous. Don’t benervous.

Pasting a pleasant expression on her face, Bebe opened the door. Her heart dropped to her knees as Jay held out a bouquet of white roses—her favorite flowers.

“You remembered?” she breathed.

His lips quirked into a crooked grin. “I did.”

“They’re gorgeous.” She took them, inhaling their rich fragrance. He had given her white roses on prom night as well. She shoved those memories way. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He nodded toward her kitchen. “Why don’t you put those in some water so we can be on our way.”

“Right.” She gave a shaky grin, then turned away.Oh my goodness, she mouthed to herself.

Jay looked gorgeous, wearing a red leather jacket that should’ve been flashy but came across as confident and made her want to snuggle into the warmth of his arms. A black knit beanie covered his head and somehow made him even more handsome. In the kitchen, she blew air up across her face, hoping to cool her hot cheeks. What was it about him that made her lightheaded? Breathless? And desperately in need of a show of affection?

Every time she was around Jahleel Walker, Bebe forgotexactly why she should be protesting a relationship between them.Maybe that means stop protesting.

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