Page 34 of The Christmas Catch

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“Then you waltz back into town wanting her back? How does she know it’s not because you have no other opportunities before you?” Ryan asked.

“Man, are you playing devil’s advocate?”

“Nah, just trying to get you to see the mountain you’re facing.”

Jay nodded slowly. “So you’re saying I’m facing Super Bowl champs, and I’m the underdog?”

“Worse, you’re the team no one likes and hopes to see fail.”

He winced. “I can’t be that bad, can I?” But as soon as thewords left his mouth, he realized it was true. He was like the Patriots going to the Super Bowl. Everyone loved to cheer for the other team, and the only ones rooting for a Pats win were the New England states.

“How can I show her I’m not a bad man? That my intentions are serious?” Because the more he thought about Bebe, the more he wanted a second chance.

He didn’t know the future, didn’t know what would happen to them beyond today, but that didn’t scare him. If anything, Jahleel wanted to lean on God’s wisdom and pray that He had a second chance lined up for them. One that would go the distance and overcome any potential conflict.

“Start by showing up. Invite her out to do something fun. Show her you’re listening to her and to God’s leading. Show her you’re not the Jahleel of the past who hurt her but that you’ve matured in the areas you needed growth.”

“Man, how did you get so wise?”

“You’re not the first person to hurt a woman’s heart, and you won’t be the last.”

They quieted as boat after boat sailed by. There was a boat that looked like it had been transformed into a floating gingerbread house, one with a snowman family on it, and one with reindeer. Ryan enjoyed himself, so Jay felt he’d done well in showing a little bit of Peachwood Bay to his friend. Even though he was paying the physical therapist’s rate, he was fully aware Ryan didn’t have to fly out here just to help him.

Jay looked at Ryan. “Now that we’re done talking about me, what’s going on with you and May?”

Ryan’s face turned red. “Not much to tell right now.”

“That’s not what your face is saying.”

Ryan huffed out a strained laugh. “I like her.” He shrugged. “It’s as simple as that.”

“But you don’t live here, and she doesn’t live in Tennessee.”

“We’re not worried about distance. Right now, we just want to see how much we like each other, then go from there.”

Was it that easy? Then again, they had no shared history like he and Bebe did. “You take her out yet?”

“We’re going out tomorrow night. She’s with her folks today, otherwise she would’ve come with us to the parade.”

Jay couldn’t say much because part of him was jealous. Ryan had it easy. He liked May, asked her out, and she was willing. As simple as that. But that wasn’t his path. Jahleel’s was filled with boulders, lava, and other treacherous obstacles. Yet he knew in his heart that Bebe was worth it.

It was time to work out a game plan to win Bebe Gordon’s heart.



The line for donuts ended in the vestibule a corridor away from the conference room where they were displayed. All Bebe wanted to do was go home, curl up in front of the TV, and watch the Falcons play. Instead, she waited in line for a donut with Hope. Her girl lived for the powdered ones every Sunday. Bebe preferred the glazed donuts, which would most likely be gone by the time they made it to the front of the line.

The hairs on the back of her neck rose to attention as the smell of lemon and a woody undertone enveloped her. The urge to lean back into Jay’s arms overwhelmed her. Why did he keep showing up wherever she was?

Straightening her shoulders, Bebe turned slightly. “What are you doing standing up?” She grimaced inwardly at her tone. That hadn’t been what she wanted to say or the tone she wanted to use.

“I want a donut.” He gave her a boyish smile.

Why did her pulse have to flutter?

“Mr. Walker, you should rest.” Hope looked at him, her brow furrowed.

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