Page 12 of The Christmas Catch

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“So, what’s Plan B?”

“Get through Christmas.”

“What?” Why would anyone have toget throughChristmas? Christmas was the best day of the year—really, the whole season lifted months of dreariness. Sure, Jay had injured himself, but that didn’t remove Jesus from the throne. God was still good and worthy to be praised, worthy to be celebrated.

Bebe chuckled inwardly. She sounded like a walking advertisement for a religious conversion.

“Christmas isn’t the same here as it would be in Texas,” he said.

“It should be better. Your mom and dad are with you.”

“Hooray.” Only his voice sounded awfully sarcastic.

Jay leaned against the sofa cushion. The fact that he was with familyshould’veput him in the holiday spirit. Instead, it utterly depressed him. His father’s idea of a good Christmas was a long sermon at church pointing out the errors of every sinner’s ways. At least, that was how his sermons went when Jay was a kid. If his father knew Jay had a tattoo on his chest, Obadiah Walker would have a coronary.

Jay looked at Bebe, wishing he could convey the depth of his misery being back here. “Bebe, youknowhow my dad is.”

“I know he was a little hard on you growing up, but you’re an adult now, Jahleel. Is it really that bad?”

He ignored the pleasure that spiked at the sound of his name on her lips. Tried to push the memory of the feel of her hand in his to the far recesses of his mind. Instead, he searched for the words. At one point, he could tell Bebe anything. Was that still the case?

He sighed. “Our last conversation didn’t end on a good note. My dad hates my career and probably thinks I deserved to be hurt because of it. Or even thinks I was being punished. If it weren’t for my mom, I wouldn’t be here.”In more ways than one.

Bebe bit her lip as she glanced toward his father and then met his eyes. “I’m sure he’s missed you over the years. I think you’d be surprised by how much he’s changed.”

“If he missed me, why did he kick me out in the first place and tell me to never come back?”

Her pert nose wrinkled in dismay. He felt bad for putting her on the spot. His messed-up relationship with his dad wasn’t her fault. His father had always been a little standoffish and more than a little judgmental. No need to focus on the argument that had led to his exile.

“No son of mine would enter theevil one’s den.”

“The NFL isn’t inherently evil, just like all churches aren’t inherently good.”

He shook his head, trying to shake off the memories. He squeezed Bebe’s shoulder and let go. “Sorry. Ignore me.” He wouldn’t dump his problems on her. No use repeating the past because he’d be walking away once his leg allowed him to.

“I’m sorry, Jay. At least you never have to question your mama’s love for you.”

A small grin formed. “Truth. Her love language is feeding me.” He patted his gut. “She’s going to make me fat. I wish there was something I could do to show her how much I appreciate it all.”

“Just be here.”

“I don’t know how long I’ll be here since Peachwood Bay is no longer home.” He absentmindedly rubbed his right knee, frowning as he came in contact with the brace. He couldn’t wait to get out of this thing.

“Jay?” Bebe’s voice broke through his thoughts. She laid a hand on his arm. “Just try and enjoy your time with your folks. Remember how beautiful Christmas can be with family. How much joy you felt going to the boat parade.”

“I almost forgot all about that. Does it still happen?”

Bebe nodded.

He let out a breath. “Okay. I’ll try.”

“Maybe you could come to church next week. Get out of the house and take in some fresh air.”

“Kind of difficult to do with this leg.” It hurt like the dickens, but here he was, posing for company for his parents’ sake. “How can I prop it up there?” He glanced at her.

Her seafoam-green eyes studied his knee. If he knew her, she was plotting a way to fix everything. Bebe was a great friend. At times, he regretted how he ended things. He’d never had another friend like her since.Or dated a woman like her.

“Ask your father to get you a chair or something. He’ll be so happy you’re in church, I’m sure it won’t be a problem.”

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