Page 11 of The Christmas Catch

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Uh-oh.Heat filled her face. What could he be thinking? She glanced at him.

“Yeah, Bebe, how come?” Jay took a bite of bread pudding, amusement dancing in his eyes. “Don’t you love football?”

“She sure does,” Hope jumped in. “We bleed red and black!”

“The Falcons, Bebe?” Jay flattened his mouth in disgust.

“Like you didn’t have a Michael Vick poster in your room growing up. Besides, we’re in Falcons country. Who else would we root for? They don’t play your games on TV unless y’all play the Falcons.” He didn’t need to know she had the sports package, allowing her to watch any team she wanted.

Hope’s eyes widened. “Wait! You’re the Desperados’ wide receiver, aren’t you? The one who blew out his—” She finally caught Bebe’s look. “Uh, never mind.” A sheepish grin graced her heart-shaped face. “I’m going to go play outside. ’Kay, Mama?”

Bebe nodded, although she wanted to call Hope back—oranyone, for that matter. Why had May thrust her into this awkwardness? Did anyone want a reencounter with their ex?

She stood abruptly. “I’m going to go—” Words failed her as her hand found itself wrapped in Jay’s warm one.

“Stay with me for a bit. Let’s catch up?”

On what? The fact that her heart pounded like she’d just completed a record-breaking forty-yard dash? It drummed in her ears as his thumb ran up and down against hers. Memories resurfaced. Kisses under oak trees. Then a good-bye she hadn’t seen coming.Lord, please keep me from repeating my mistakes. I don’t want to get hurt again.

Yet with one gentle tug of her hand, Bebe found herself lowering to the love seat once more.

“There’s no ring on your finger.” Jay circled the place where one had once resided.

“I’m divorced.” She licked her lips, wondering why her voice was so husky. “You?”

“Never married.”

She didn’t know how to feel about that. “Dating anyone?”

“Not currently.”

Why did his answer light a spark?Don’t hope. Remember men are deceitful and walk away from thevery first one who broke your heart.“Huh, imagine that.” Sass coated her words.

Jay dropped her hand and took another bite of his food.

Had she upset him with her indifference?Why do you care?Bebe cleared her throat. “How’s the knee?”

“In pain.”

“Have you been keeping up on your meds? You also don’t want to dwell on the pain.” She remembered how much it had hurt when she fell out of a tree at ten and had to wear a cast.

He arched an eyebrow. “There’s not a lot to do when you’re holed up in your childhood room, staring at old trophies to remind you that you’re laid up.”

“Wow, someone’s throwing themselves a pity party.”

Jay snorted. “You would too, Bebe.”

“No, I’d make a change of plans.”Or move back home, heartbroken.

“I can believe that.” He stared at her, searching. For what, she didn’t know. “Why did you come back?”

“My family was here. I got a job.” Plan B, since Will had decided to break his vow offorsaking all others. She gestured toward his knee. “Have the guys checked on you?”

Pain filled his eyes so fast and then disappeared just as quickly. “A couple, but they’re kind of busy. Hoping to cement the playoffs. I’ve already been placed on the injured reserve list.” He sighed. “My contract is up for renegotiation, so I’m sure they’ll forget about me soon enough.”

Bebe stared at him, at a loss for words. She knew what it was like to realize your dreams were crashing around you. “I’m sorry, Jay.”

One side of his mouth lifted in a crooked, self-deprecating smile. “Appreciate that, Bebe.”

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