Page 94 of For You I'd Break

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“How did you know that?” I asked.

“Poppy told me. Admit it, you’re crushed she’s moving,” Theo said.

“I’m fine,” I said automatically.

Theo and Aiden shook their heads.

“You’ve done a great job living your best life, professionally,” Theo said. “You went from goofing around and planning to take the easy route with your dad’s business to working your ass off in school and after. All of that kept you busy enough you never considered why you didn’t want a girlfriend, but you owe it to yourself, and to Logan, to consider it now. To want more in your life than work.”

“It’s been ten years,” Aiden said lifting his chin toward the barn. “I don’t know about y’all, but I’m tired. Tired of pretending like I’m ok when I’m not. Tired of seeing you hurt yourself, Theo, or you living half the life you could be, Cal. Of the three of us, you’ve got your shit together the most, and you’re about to let an amazing woman walk out of your life without a fight. It’s time. I don’t know what that means yet, for any of us. But for me, it starts there,” he said pointing to the barn.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked.

Aiden shrugged. “Hell if I know.”

“We go to the barn,” Theo said. “On the anniversary. I can’t go back to where the accident happened.” Theo looked between Aiden and me, his eyes pleading. “I can’t. I remember every detail of every moment, anyway.”

Aiden nodded, but the two of us shared a look. We’d both been knocked out cold, but Theo had lived the entire event, including finding Logan’s body. Like Theo, I avoided that same stretch of Route 33. Maybe it was time I faced it. But not with him.

“No, the barn makes sense,” I said. Theo sagged with relief.

“I like it,” Aiden said. “What about the Stevens sisters? Should we ask them to join us, so they understand what a fucked-up mess they’re getting themselves into with the pair of you?”

“Rowan,” Theo said.

“The Stevens sisters,” Aiden repeated.

Theo shook his head. “Poppy is just a friend.”

Aiden let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead again. “We’ll focus on Cal. Poppy isn’t moving anywhere.”

Adrenaline flooded my system, and my skin instantly went clammy. Rowan was days from leaving Peace Falls and taking my heart with her.

“I have to tell her how I feel,” I said.

“Try not to look like you want to puke when you do,” Aiden said and laughed.

Theo put his hand on my shoulder. “You’ve got this, brother. Now, let’s go pretend to watch some baseball, and you can practice sharing your feelings with us.”

“Hell, no,” Aiden said. “I’m glad he has them, but I’m not role playing. Our friendship is weird enough.”

“I love you too, man,” Theo said pulling him into a hug. Aiden thumped his back before shoving him off and stomping back to the truck.

Chapter twenty-nine


“Are you sure aboutthis?” Poppy asked. Her short black hair stuck out in every direction. Usually, my sister slept through me getting ready in the mornings, but today, she’d popped off her pillow the second I started to change out of my pajamas.

“Yes. I’m going to call Gwen after PT and decline the offer. I want to give her time to get to her desk and get settled for the day.”

“Duh,” she said. “I meant PT with Cal.”

I shrugged. “I’m not getting him fired over two sessions. He’s a professional. I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“For Cal,” Poppy said punching her pillow.

“Hey,” I said, taking a seat on her bed. “Are you doubting me?”

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