Page 86 of For You I'd Break

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“The best,” I said, giving her hand a squeeze before letting it go. We looked at each other and smiled. “I hope you believe that I never meant to hurt you. I was being honest when I said I don’t do relationships.”

She pressed her lips together and nodded. “I know that now. I just figured you’d want more after we were together, and the way we were always talking and hanging out, I assumed we were more than casual. I’m sorry about the reviews. I knew I’d taken it too far when people started glaring at me around town. Even Mr. Wilson was cold to me. If the sweetest man on the planet hates you, there’s a good chance everyone does. I know what Idid wasn’t right, but I was hurt and trying to get your attention. I didn’t think it through. I never meant to put your job in danger.”

“An apology isn’t enough, Ave. I need you to undo some of the damage you’ve caused. If you take down all your reviews, I should be ok.”

“I’ll start as soon as I get home,” she said, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

I let out a long breath and sagged back into my chair. “Thank you. And I’ll be sure to let people know you did.”

She pushed back from the table and stood. “I get now that you and I will never work. There’s too much history, good and bad. You bring out the worst in me, and I don’t bring out the best in you.” She paused and gripped my shoulder. “For what it’s worth, you’re ready for more than casual. And I think you want it too. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been so easy for me to assume we were in a relationship. You’ll make someone a great partner. Goodbye, Cal.”

“Bye, Ave,” I said. “See you around.”

In a town this size, it would be impossible not to, but whether those moments were awkward or not was up to her. As long as she took down her reviews, I could pass her on the street with a smile, and I hoped she’d be able to do the same. I watched her climb into her car before I tossed my full cup in a trash bin and headed for the park with Skye. Chris and Aiden were already there when I arrived, passing a ball back and forth.

“Looking good,” I said, walking toward them.

Chris’s eyes hardened and he threw the ball at me so hard it knocked the air from my lungs.

“I see you’ve packed some heat on your throw,” I said with a laugh.

“Fuck you, Cal,” Chris said, lunging at me.

Aiden stepped between us, placing a firm hand on Chris’s chest. Skye barked but seemed unsure who to protect, her eyes flicking from Chris to me.

“If you punch him, you might get hurt,” Aiden said. “You don’t want an injury this close to tryouts.”

“What the hell?” I asked, throwing the ball to the ground.

“Seriously,” Chris said, trying to duck around Aiden.

“Would you feel better if I punched him?” Aiden asked.

Chris nodded. Aiden turned, and I had half a second to dodge his fist. Skye growled at Aiden and he took a step back.

“What the fuck, man,” I said.

“Sorry, kid,” Aiden said. “He’s agile.”

“I bet I could hit him.” Chris lunged again and Aiden pinned his arms.

“Suicide sprints. Now,” Aiden shouted. “Run out the anger. Got it? I’ll deal with him.”

Chris nodded and took off with a stack of cones, which he set up as far away from us as he could without leaving the park. Aiden waited until Chris started running intervals before he shook his head and said, “You know I gave you time to dodge.”

“Yeah,” I said, eyeing him cautiously as I bent to pet Skye. “I still don’t understand why you wanted to hit me. Or why Chris does, for that matter.”

“Because, dumbass, you broke up with his sister last night, and he saw you getting cozy with Avery this morning. Believe me, I wanted to punch you. Rowan seems like a sweetheart, and the kid adores her. But I figured I should hear your side first. Plus, I don’t trust your dog not to bite me.”

“I didn’t break up with Rowan,” I said rubbing the sudden ache in my chest. “We were never together. We had some fun, but she got offered a job in DC. She’s moving, so that’s it.”

“So, now you’re fucking Avery again?”

“Of course not,” I yelled, standing. Skye let out a huff and laid on the ground. “We talked out our shit. She’s taking down the reviews and moving on with her life. Just like I am.”

He nodded and yelled to Chris, “He’s just an idiot, not a douchebag. There’s nothing going on with him and Avery. Get over here.”

Chris ran to us, his face red from rage, exertion, or both. “I thought you wanted me to run out the anger.”

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