Page 59 of For You I'd Break

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“Not even five,” I said, grabbing my shorts from the floor and pulling them on.

“Good,” she said. “I might be able to sneak into the house before Mom wakes up.”

She pulled the comforter from the bed and wrapped it around her body before searching around in the dark for her clothes, which Skye mistook for a new game. My dog grabbed Rowan’s bra in her mouth and started shaking her head from side-to-side like she’d won it.

“Give me that,” I said, taking the bra and handing it to Rowan. “Sorry for the dog spit.”

She laughed. “I think I’ll go braless this morning.”

My cock liked that idea, but instead of taking my shorts off again like I wanted, I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. “Let me take out Skye, then I’ll walk you home.”

She nodded, clutching her clothes in front of her. I’d explored every inch of her body last night, but I had a feeling she wouldn’t get dressed unless I left.

I walked through the house with Skye to the laundry room, then opened the back door, so she could do her business. I stayed inside, listening for Rowan. I hoped she didn’t try tosneak out the front door. Skye scampered back in record time and bolted for the bedroom.

“Incoming,” I shouted, running after her.

When I reached the bedroom, Rowan was on the floor rubbing Skye’s belly.

“Did she knock you over?” I asked, my heart pounding.

“No,” Rowan said and laughed. “I was looking for my underwear. I’m not leaving another pair behind.”

I chuckled and held out my hand, “Let me help you up, and I’ll find it.”

She gripped my hand. After I pulled her up, I dragged her close and wrapped my arms around her. “Good morning,” I said, kissing her neck. “I had a great time last night.”

She let out a little sigh and took a step back. “I did too, but I really need to get home before Mom wakes up. She’ll either think I’m jumping into something too soon or get too excited because she thinks I’m moving on with you.”

I nodded. “Let’s find your underwear.”

Rowan shoved her bra into her purse, and I tried not to notice how sexy she looked in her tank top without it. I found her thong between the bed and the nightstand and helped her into it. It took every ounce of self-restraint I had to pull my hands from under her skirt.

“Stay,” I said to Skye. She jumped onto the bed and curled into a ball on the side Rowan had just left. No doubt, after waking me before dawn, my dog would be snoring before I got back.

I held Rowan’s hand on the walk to her house. I loved the silence of Sullivan Street early in the morning, knowing so many families were tucked in their houses, sleeping. The ache that usually filled my chest on peaceful mornings like these didn’t appear. I gave Rowan’s hand a playful squeeze and she squeezed it back, the street too dark for either of us to see anything beyondthe beam of light from my cell phone. I stopped when the beam landed on Theo’s truck parked in front of the Stevens’s house.

The porch light was on, but the house remained dark.

“Theo stayed over,” I said, pointing to the black truck.

“Well, guess they aren’t just friends anymore.”

I shook my head, unease tightening my stomach. “I don’t know. Theo has his own place. Would it have ever crossed your mind to invite me back to your house with your mom and brother home?”

“No,” she said, her grip on my hand tightening. “But Poppy does have a studio in the backyard.”

“And you think they’d go there instead of his apartment?”

Rowan tugged my hand as she started walking to the backyard. Light spilled onto the grass from the windows of a small building on the edge of the lot.

“Um, how should we handle this?” Rowan said. “I don’t want to walk in on my sister with a guy. My eyeballs would never recover.”

“I’ll knock,” I said, walking to the shed. Rowan stood behind me like I was her personal shield. I gave the door a light tap and Theo swung it open a moment later.

“Cal,” he said. “Can you check Poppy? I’ve been checking her pulse every so often—”

“What’s happened?” Rowan said, shoving me and then Theo aside with surprising strength. I followed her inside where Poppy laid curled on a futon with a trashcan by her head. Rowan knelt beside her and gave her sister’s shoulder a shove. She didn’t move.

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