Page 55 of For You I'd Break

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Poppy handed Lauren the phone. “Give this to my sister. I blocked dickhead.”

“Good,” Lauren said, handing the phone past me to Rowan.

“Please help me drink these,” Rowan said, motioning to the pink glasses. “They’re obviously bent on getting hammered tonight, and I’d rather not.”

We finished the first drink together and moved on to the second, our fingers lingering with each pass of the glass. A microphone screeched, and we all looked to the stage where the first act, a semi-decent garage band made up of middle-aged dads, was setting up to play.

The evening unfolded with the typical mix of performers until a tall blonde took the stage for the final act. The entire bar quieted. Something about her drew everyone’s attention in a way none of the other acts had. I felt a tug of recognition but couldn’t place her. Her hands shook as she adjusted the microphone, but she took a deep breath and strummed a few quiet cords on her guitar.

“Is that Cammie?” Lauren said beside me. “I’ve never seen her in makeup or with her hair done like that.”

“I think it is,” Rowan said leaning into me to get a better look.

“Holy shit,” I whispered as Cammie sang, her voice rich and clear.

“Did you know she could sing?” Rowan asked me when the song finished and the bar erupted in applause.

I shook my head.

“I’m going to tell her what a great job she did,” Lauren said, but Cam walked straight off the stage and out the front door while the applause thundered around the bar.

“I’ll try to catch her outside,” Lauren said and pushed her way through the crowd toward the door.

“That was amazing,” Rowan said, her eyes misty.

“It was,” I said, surprised at how tight my voice sounded.

“Let’s play darts,” Poppy said, clapping her hands. “I always play better when I’m buzzed.”

Rowan shifted beside me and winced. “Actually, I think I might walk home.”

“What?” Poppy yelled. “It’s not even midnight. You’re not that old.”

“I need to walk this kink out of my back.”

“I’m sure Cal can help you with that,” Aiden smirked.

I glared at him. It was clear she was in pain. I’d been so caught up in our conversations and the performances, I hadn’t noticed how much time had passed. Apart from a brief trip to the restroom with her sister, she’d been sitting all night.

“I can drive you,” Theo said.

“I’d rather walk,” Rowan said. “It helps.”

“Let’s go,” I said, taking her hand. “I’ll come with you.”

“You’re seriously leaving me alone with these two?” Poppy said, motioning at Theo and Aiden. Neither seemed the least offended.

Rowan chewed her bottom lip. Poppy was more than tipsy. I knew she’d be safe with Theo, but I could understand why Rowan might not want to leave her sister with two men she didn’t really know, especially when one looked like an extra onBreaking Bad.

“I’ll make sure she and Lauren get home safe,” Theo said. “And that Aiden behaves.”

Rowan reached across the table and gave his hand a squeeze. “Thank you,” she said and nudged me to slide out.

She had to do it a second time before I moved because I realized something that shook me. Rowan saw Theo, truly saw him for the man he’d become. And if she was perceptive enoughto know him that clearly after only a few hours, what could she see in me?

Chapter seventeen


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