Page 41 of For You I'd Break

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I ran as fast as I could down Main Street. My high school football coach would have loved the pace I set to the park as the fireworks finale boomed overhead. Five minutes later, I skidded to a halt in front of the playhouse and stuck my head inside.

Though it was too dark to see, I could hear Skye whimpering in the corner. I shoved my six-foot two frame into the playhouse I hadn’t visited since elementary school and wrapped my arms around her.

“I’m here, girl,” I said. Her tense muscles started to relax. She let out another whimper, and a wave of grief crashed over me.

I should have been relieved, but all I kept thinking was one day, I would lose her. Skye was almost ten. She might act like a puppy, but she didn’t have many years left. I’d lose her just like I lost Logan. She licked my hand as the tears came hot and fast from my eyes. We may have sat in the cramped playhouse all night if a dark figure hadn’t shone a flashlight inside the entrance.

“Sorry,” Rowan said, fumbling with her cell phone and shutting off the light. “Um, I thought you might like a ride back home.”

At the sound of Rowan’s voice, Skye perked up and wiggled to the exit.

“I’m so happy to see you, baby,” she said, crouching to grab Skye’s leash.

I used my t-shirt to dry off my face before I pulled myself out to join them.

“Let me,” I said, taking the leash. “No telling when the next backyard fireworks will start.”

I stood, and Rowan struggled to her feet with a groan.

“This was too much for your back,” I said. I wrapped my arm around her waist. Hopefully, she’d think I was trying to steady her, not attaching myself like a leech hoping to suck the calm from her. I expected her to push me away. Instead, she turnedinto me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I leaned down and held her tight, resting my head on her warm shoulder. After a moment, she pulled away, but wove her arm in mine.

Lauren’s red sedan idled at the curb. Rowan opened the rear passenger door and slipped across the back seat. Skye pulled on the leash until I moved forward. She clambered in beside Rowan and licked her face. I climbed in the back seat as well, my knees crammed against the front seat.

“I feel like a Lyft driver,” Lauren chuckled. Skye put her head in my lap and fell asleep. When we arrived at Sullivan Street, the block party was going strong on the other side of the barricade.

“If y’all don’t mind,” Lauren said. “I’m going to head home.”

“Thank you so much, Lauren,” I said.

I nudged Skye. She let out a snort and yawned but followed me out of the car. Rowan and I waved Lauren off before walking around the barricade. I should have taken Skye straight home, but instead, I found myself moving through the party with Rowan at my side. One by one the neighbors cheered when they saw us. Skye wagged her tail, happy to be the center of attention.

We reached the Stevens’s house and stopped in front of the dessert table. Only crumbs remained.

“Wow,” Rowan said, smiling. “Guess everyone liked the desserts.”

“I confess I sampled each of the tarts. And I’m a little pissed. I planned to take a cupcake home.”

“Hm. Maybe I’ll bring some to my next session.” Rowan rubbed Skye’s head and smiled at me. “Night, Caleb.”

“I think I owe you a beer,” I said before I could stop myself. I held my arm out like I was about to escort her to the homecoming court. She laughed but took it.

As soon as I opened the front door, Skye trotted to the armchair where Aiden usually sat and curled into a tight ball.Rowan flopped onto the couch with the grace of an eighty-year-old.

“You’re stiff,” I said.

“Just tired.”

I nodded. “I’d offer you something other than beer, but that’s all I have, unless you want water.”

“A beer would be great,” she said.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed two IPAs. I hoped she hadn’t set back her progress helping me, but, fuck, I was thankful she did.

Skye was already snoring when I returned to the living room.

“Poor thing must be exhausted,” Rowan said, taking the can I offered her.

“I forgot to ask if you want a glass,” I said, turning back toward the kitchen.

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