Page 25 of For You I'd Break

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“Chris and I will do it,” I said. “Consider it part of our strength training.”

Cammie paled. “Oh, shoot,” she said. “I just remembered the super sent out an email saying the electric was at the limit. I don’t want to be the one to overburden the system. Better get started on your session before Dr. Cohen pops out of his office.”

Rowan studied Cammie a moment before following me to the table.

“She’s lying,” Rowan whispered.

I nodded. It stung that Cam had shot down my offer to bring the window unit to her place but had seemed ok with Rowan going there. I considered Cam a friend. Probably the closest I had apart from Aiden and Theo. Perhaps we were just work colleagues who’d bonded over our mutual dislike for our boss.

Rowan closed her eyes and let out another cock-teasing moan as I placed the heat mat on her back. “If you’re like a brother to her, why wouldn’t she let you help put in a window unit?” she asked.

I glanced at Cam, who looked near tears while she tapped away on her computer. “Why would you think I’m like a brother to her?”

“Because she told me,” Rowan said, opening her eyes.

All the hurt I’d felt moments before evaporated. I realized I felt the same. Cammie was like the sister I never had, which made her refusal all the more confusing.

“Does that surprise you? You know, not every woman wants to sleep with you.”

I wanted to ask Rowan if she was one of those women, but instead I locked eyes with her until her cheeks turned an adorable shade of red.

“Stop staring and let me enjoy the heat,” she said, slightly out of breath.

“I’m just surprised she told you. Cam keeps her thoughts close.” Like why she won’t let me help her despite telling Rowan I was like a brother.

Rowan made a sound between a laugh and snort.


“Aside from Lauren, that woman is the most candid person I’ve ever met.” Rowan’s eyes snapped open, and her mouth softened into an “O.”


“Nothing,” she said, closing her eyes again. “Just don’t press her about the window unit. I’ll handle it.”

“Don’t lift it yourself. I’m serious, Rowan. You could set back all your progress or injure yourself more. You shouldn’t be carrying anything heavier than twenty-five pounds. Less really, since you’re so small.”

“I’m not small,” she said.

It was adorable how angry she sounded. The woman barely broke five feet and could probably shop in the children’s section if she wanted. “I give the same advice to defensive linemen with a back injury. You’re small.”

“By comparison. Speaking of large football players, how are things going with Chris?”

I cleared my throat. “Great,” I said and pretended to add something to her chart notes. “We focused on strength training last week. I got him a student summer pass to my gym, so we can lift together.”

“That’s really nice of you,” she said and flashed a smile that sent an unwanted jolt of lust through my body. Damn this woman. No matter how much we butted heads, I still jacked off in the shower at night after every one of our sessions. I felt like a creep for fantasizing about a patient, but inevitably I’d end up with my hand wrapped around my cock, imagining all the ways I’d touch her, if only I could. And I wasn’t nice. Nice would havebeen tossing the ball to Chris for hours, so he could practice his catches. I still hadn’t picked up a football.

We sat in silence while the heat eased the tension from Rowan’s face. She started stepping down her medication last week, and I worried she might be in too much pain to get through her exercises. I let her stay under the blanket a few minutes longer than usual, hoping it might make today’s session less brutal.

“Chris is fun to lift with,” I said when I couldn’t wait any longer to move to the first exercise. “Aiden is too competitive.”

“You’re still friends with Aiden O’Malley?” she asked.

I nodded. “And Theo.”

She groaned when I lifted the mat from her back but swung her legs to the side of the table and stepped down.

“Get started with cat and cow while I put the mat back.”

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