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They tug on my lip as they end the kiss, finally releasing me with a pop.

“I’d say it’s all working so far,” they say.

A trickle of pride sneaks into my chest at how breathy their voice is. It’s softer, too, straddling the line of ambiguity, and that does more to me than I thought it would. I can feel Avery’s excitement against me, but that doesn’t make them one thing or the other to me, not really. In the moment when that distinction should feel the most blunt, the most unavoidable, I can’t help feeling instead like I’m experiencing their truest self, a person who defies easy binaries.

“You’re thinking,” Avery says. “You shouldn’t be thinking. You should be getting undressed.”

I reach up, ruining the playfulness of the moment by stroking my thumb along their cheek. “I’m thinking that you’re extraordinary.”

Out of all that’s happened tonight, this is the thing thatmanages to surprise Avery, as though they don’t realize how uncommon and brilliant they are. They smile shyly, casting their gaze down for a moment so their lashes fan over their cheeks. Then they recover, fixing me with a look that screams their determination.

They sit back and peel off their shirt, and I’m almost speechless when I get a glimpse of their smooth, narrow chest. It’s just a body, I tell myself, a body like a lot of other bodies, but for some reason I can’t stop drinking in every creamy plane of this one. I can’t stop my mouth from watering at the sight of all that skin on display for me.

Then they start unzipping their skirt, and I scramble to sit up so I can get my own coat and shirt off, eager to keep up. I set my glasses aside, vision going slightly blurry. I don’t know what I could possibly have to offer in comparison to them, yet the moment my chest is bare, they size me up and shamelessly chew on their bottom lip.

They move in a frenzy. Before I get to appreciate them, their skirt and leggings are coming off, their shoes thumping to the floor. They shove me backward so I fall onto the mattress, then claw at my jeans and shoes and every other bit of cloth that stands in their way. I might be older, but it’s clear I’m not in charge as Avery strips me down.

“Wow, you are so…”

They don’t finish, as though overcome by the sight of my body, but that’s such a ridiculous notion I almost laugh.They’re … they’resurreal. They’re gorgeous. They’re a fantasy. Avery climbs over me and settles on my thighs and even though I can feel their solid weight on my legs, they’re like something from a dream. They let down their hair, and it spills past their shoulders like ink staining marble. I want to reach up and grab it, but Avery is snatching something off a nightstand, and I realize I can’t simply lie here stunned by them; I should probably participate in this.

Avery squirts lube into their hands. They hunch over me, propping one hand on the bed, but using the other to grab themself — and me. I suck in a sharp breath when my cock is suddenly squeezed against theirs. Avery pants above me, and I’m not doing much better myself. My whole body reels from the contact, as though I’ve never been touched this way before. But things with those guys at the bar back home were never quite like this.


Avery breathes my name out like a sigh, and it makes me want to grab all that inky hair and pull them to me even harder. Before I can, they start moving their hand, and I forget about anything else.

Their slick touch squeezes us more tightly together, making a ludicrously lewd noise along the way. Avery rocks into the feeling, unabashedly using their hand and my cock for their pleasure. I rest my hands on their thighs, feeling the motion of their body, riding it until I find my hips shiftingwith theirs, their long hair falling around us like a satin curtain as they rock more forcefully.

They were hunching over me, but as the pressure mounts, they sit back, arching and shifting like they’re riding my cock and not stroking it in their hand. My grip goes to their narrow waist, moving them up and down, feeling the shock of momentum that rolls through their whole body and down into mine.

As their moans ring out, I lose whatever fragile grasp I had on shame or reluctance. I’m chasing them with my body, scrambling to keep up as they bounce on my thighs and groan and pump their hand along our cocks. Pre-cum has started to mix with the lube, making a slick mess of us that will surely only get worse.

And soon.

The edge is so close I can taste it, but I don’t want this to end. I don’t want to stop watching them move like that on top of me. Caught up in the moment, my cock can’treally tell the difference between this and if they were actually riding me. The heat, the pressure, the beautiful view — they’re similar enough for my overheating brain to conflate.

I grip them harder as tension barrels into me, threatening to push me past the point of control. I arch up at them, and they moan sweetly, strangling some version of my name as they do. I’m no longer sure if I’m moving them up and down or simply following them, caught in their wild exuberance as they fuck into their hand, cock grinding against mine. Blinding friction forces me to squeeze my eyes shut, and I squirm as it all becomes so big I’m like a rubber band about to snap.

“Avery,” I groan.

I meant it as a warning, but Avery seems to take it as encouragement. They moan in response, and their hand somehow moves faster, stroking so hard it teeters on the edge of painful. I’m so overcome with sensation that I’m not truly sure I’d notice if it crossed that line. All I know is the fire consuming me and the precipitous drop looming ever closer.

Avery shouts, actuallyshouts. I’ve never heard someone yell during sex, but their voice rings out loud and brash and I assume they’re coming, but I can’t see it, can’t stop to wonder about it, can’t do anything but groan and grind my teeth together as that rubber band snaps and my body shatters.

Avery’s hand guides us through it, every thunderous drop and spurting exclamation. I don’t open my eyes throughout any of it, gasping for breath through every shuddering beat of an orgasm I barely have words for.

Finally, my body relaxes, bone weary after that performance. I sink onto the bed, and though my eyes creak open, I don’t make any other attempt to move.

Thankfully, Avery is a lot less useless than me. They leave the bed, and for a brief, terrifying moment, I almostcall out for them to return. They leave the room, but it’s only to head into an attached bathroom. When they come back to the bed, they have a damp washcloth, and they start using it to clean my chest and abs.

“I can do it,” I say. I don’t mean to make them baby me like this.

They shoot me glare. “Let me do it.”

It’s not a request, and I don’t dare argue. Avery patiently cleans me up, quite obviously taking their time and keeping me in their bed. Yet as they work I realize I never truly intended to leave it tonight.

I take them by the wrist as they go on wiping a spot that was already clean. They stop, looking up at me, worry pinching their expression.

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