Page 81 of Matteo

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We’ve held up in this abandoned brick building, conducting surveillance of Silvestri’s warehouse for the past hour, and nothing notable has come up. A buyer showed up at 9:30 p.m., loaded his merchandise, and left with his crew, leaving Silvestri and his ten men in the building. I don’t know why the fuck he would plan this when he had a buyer coming.

“Are we going in?” Enzo asks as we peer from one of the top floors of the abandoned building we’ve posted up in. “It’s past our mark time. What’s the plan?”

I let out a sigh because none of this makes sense. My gut is telling me Lux’s mother isn’t in there, but I have to check, for her sake. In case I’m wrong.

I’m about to give the go ahead to Enzo, but my phone vibrating in my pocket stops me. Seeing it’s Isabella calling, I freeze as a dreadful feeling consumes my body. She knows this is a bad time to call me, so the only reason she would is if. . .

“Isabella?” I answer, my tone sharp, desperate to hear why she’s calling.

“Teo”—her voice is frantic—“she’s gone! She’s gone! I don’t know what happened, but she was here one minute with him and now she’s gone! They’re both gone!”

“Isabella, what are you talking about? Who’s gone and who the fuck ishim?”

I hear her try to control her breaths before saying the one thing I hoped she wouldn’t say. “Lux and Angelo Mancini were here, and now they’re not. He took her, Teo.” Her voice comes through unsteady, and she sniffles as if she’s been crying.

“I need you to tell me everything that happened,” I order, trying to control my ragged breaths as I realize this entire thing was a fucking setup.

“Angelo came here saying he wanted to support Lux while you were rescuing her mom, but now they’re gone. I called down to the guard post and they said he left about ten minutes ago and that she wasn’t in the car, but she’s not here. She’s not here, Teo!”

“Fuck!” I slam my fist onto the brick windowsill of the abandoned building we’ve been keeping watch from for no fucking reason.

Enzo eyes me cautiously. “What’s going on?”

“Isabella, I’m sending some guys to stay with you in the house, but once they’re in, shut it down and don’t let anyone in unless you hear from me.”


“Isabella, lock it down and keep it that way until I’m back.”

“O-okay. Just, please find her. I’m so sorry.” She hangs up, and I snap my attention to Enzo.

“Mancini took Lux.”

“Fucking hell,” he breathes out as we make our way toward the stairs, Eddie falling in line with us.

“Alert Rocco, Tito, and Gianni and let them know there’s been a change in plans. Send some soldiers to my house toguard Izzy. The rest of them I want to follow us. I have no idea what we’re walking into,” I tell Enzo as I bring up my tracking app.

Enzo shouts some commands before he asks, “Where are we going?”

“We’re forty fucking minutes away from where her tracker is pinging and they’re going in the opposite direction as us,” I say as we run toward the stairs of the abandoned building.

I focus on the area on the map, trying to figure out where Mancini could be taking her while trying not to trip down the stairs.

Rocco, Tito, and Gianni are parked out front by the time we make it down the stairs. Enzo jumps in the driver seat of our SUV while I climb into the passenger seat and Eddie slides in the back with two other soldiers.

Giving my phone to Enzo, I say, “Here. Get us to her location as fast as you can.” Directing my attention to Eddie, I tell him to call Rocco and have him follow us with some of the guys while the others head back to Izzy. I stare out the window while Enzo speeds toward the highway.

We’re coming for you, baby. Just hang on. I won’t let anything happen to you.



You make a sound, and I kill every single person who matters to you. Including your mother.

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