Page 66 of Matteo

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I’m stretching in bed with Matteo still curled around me when he speaks. “I was wondering when you’d wake up,” he mumbles, the sleep still present in his voice as he trails his hand down my bare stomach.

Placing my hand on his, I stop him. “What do you think you’re doing?”

He grumbles a low laugh in my ear. “Was last night too much for you, Little Lux?”

“How was itnotenough for you?” I ask, sincerely shocked at this man’s libido. He’s seven years older, andI’mthe one who can’t keep up withhim.

“You drive me crazy.” His tone is rough. Needy. “I just want to be inside you twenty-four seven.”

“Yeah, well, not today. Maybe not for a few days. I can barely move, my body’s so sore. And my vagina?” I let out a humorous scoff. “It feels like it’s on fire.” I tense up at the joke I made because the realization of the lack of protection we used last night dawns on me. “Oh my gosh.”

Matteo freezes. “What?”

“We didn’t useanyprotection last night.” How could I be so stupid? I remember talking about it, but then I got carried away and. . .shit.

Matteo immediately relaxes behind me. “Oh, that’s it?”

I roll around in his arms to face him but not without letting out a groan at my aching muscles. “What do you mean,that’s it? Are you not concerned about that?”

Matteo’s eyes remain closed as he lies there with his head on the pillow. “I already told you last night that I’m never going to wear a condom with you.”

I jab his chest with my finger. “Matteo, getting pregnant is a real thing. Not to mention STDs. We haven’t even had that conversation yet.”

Matteo’s eyes snap open. “First of all, I like when you call me Teo, so moving forward, that’s the only name of mine that I want to hear off your lips. Secondly, you’re not going to get pregnant, and even if you do, you’re my wife. Having children is inevitable, and if it’s sooner rather than later, so be it.”

My mouth falls open, and I’m about to tell him I’m not ready to have children, but he continues. “And thirdly, I donothave any STDs. Ialwayswrapped it up, and I also had Doc draw my blood and run tests on me the night you stabbed me to make sure I was clean.” He looks proud as he says that. “And I haven’t had sex with anyone else since I met you.”

How efficient of him.

“Okay, so what about me? You don’t know the guys I had sex with. What if one of them gave me something?”

His expression darkens. “Never speak about having sex with any other man but me again,” he growls out. “And I already know you’re clean. I had Doc do a full panel test on you when he did your DNA test.”

I blink at him. “Why am I not surprised?”

“You didn’t think I wouldn’t be prepared, did you?”

I roll my eyes and shake my head at how over the top this man can be. “On a serious note, though. This whole baby thing? I’m not ready for that, so I think I should look into some birth control. The pill or something.”

My mom talked to me about the pill when I turned sixteen. Since I wasn’t having sex, I never went on it, and since I had only had sex a few times before last night, it’s just not something I ever bothered myself with. But becoming pregnant in the near future gives me anxiety. I’m not ready for all of that.

He must see the seriousness in my expression and hear it in my tone because he slides his hand under my chin, tilting it up, and says, “I’ll schedule an appointment with Doc for you.”

“Um, okay?”

“Why are you posing that as a question?”

I think about that for a second before answering. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just surprised at how easy of a conversation that was.”

Teo laughs and pulls me closer to his chest. I snuggle into him and wrap my leg around his, entangling our bodies together. He places his chin atop my head, and it all feels so. . . comfortable. Normal. Like this is where I’m supposed to be.

We lie here together quietly until our breaths become in sync with one another before it dawns on me that I have to pop this perfect, invisible bubble I’ve put us in. Pulling myself back, I find Teo’s gaze. “So were you able to find anything out about my mom last night?”

My heart beats erratically, like I’m about to have a panicattack as I wait for his answer. “I did,” he says. His tone gives me nothing on what to expect. “Mauricio doesn’t know when to shut-up once he’s started speaking. The stripper barely had to do any work.”

I stare at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue, and when he doesn’t, I decide to mess with him. “We prefer being calleddancers, Teo.” He grows still and his eyes narrow in on mine. I shove at his chest. “Hey, I’m just kidding.”

Grabbing my hand, he holds it to his chest right above his heart. The thumping of the organ seems to have picked up pace. “You might be kidding, but you should know I wasnotkidding when I told you last night that I’ll kill any man that sees you like that again.”

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