Page 61 of Matteo

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She releases a sigh and sulks back in her seat when she realizes I’m not going to answer her.

We make it through my gated security, up the long gravel driveway lined with large maple trees that have bloomed. I pull into the ten-car garage attached to my family’s home and park.

Rounding the car, Lux has already opened the door and is attempting to pull herself out of the low riding vehicle. Placing my hand on the door, I watch as she struggles with those monstrosities of shoes she decided to wear tonight.

Fine, the black stiletto platforms are fucking sexy, even if they look like they’re about to slide off her feet, but now that the image of her working a pole for strangers in them is inscribed in my brain, the shoes need to be burned.

Glaring up at me, she asks, “Are you just going to stand there, or give me a hand?”

Oh, she thinks she can have an attitude withmenow?

I tilt my head to the side and raise a brow. “You seemed to do just fine when you were working that pole tonight.”

Her glare turns into a scowl as her eyebrows draw in and her frown sharpens. She grabs ahold of the arm rest and begins to pull herself up. Her shoes are so loose on her that I’m sure she won’t make it three feet without falling over herself.

“You’re such an ass,” she mutters under her breath as she pulls on my coat and wraps it around her body tighter. Folding her arms across her stomach, she walks a couple feet forward, and buckles like a damn deer.

I shoot my hand out and wrap it under her arm, catching her so she doesn’t fall face-first onto the polished concrete floor, and pull her close to me. Close enough to smell her citrus and vanilla scents. It’s as intoxicating as ever. “Now, would anasssave you from falling on your face?”

She huffs, blowing the short blonde hair out of her face. The blonde looks good on her, but there’s nothing like her natural dark locks.

She eyes me as if she’s trying to read my expression. Too bad for her I’ve mastered keeping my face void of emotion. I run my fingers through the short locks that frame her heart-shaped face and flip it up at the ends. It’s a gentle gesture. One someone might think may lead to something more.

A kiss.

Something heartfelt.

Something romantic.

But that’s not what this is, so I simply release her, shut the car door, and stalk inside.



Matteo leaves me at his car, not even glancing back to see if I’m following him. He’s really starting to piss me off now.

Back at the club I felt bad. No, I felt horrible. I didn’t think I’d care, but I did. He was mad. He’sstillmad, and rightfully so. I went behind his back and showed up at the place he specifically told me not to go to. And then he found me dancing on stage. . . I know it looked bad.

But now that I’ve had this forty-minute car ride to think about it, I’m pissed. I’m pissed at his reaction, how he’s being an asshole, and that he thinks he can boss me around like a damn child. So now I don’t care how he feels, because if he’s going to be a dick, then I’ll give it right back to him.

Glancing down at my heels, I rip them off with little effort thanks to them being a size too big. And this wig. It’s officially making me want to scratch my scalp off. After pulling the bobby pins holding it in place loose, I rip the wig off, and my hair falls in disarray around my shoulders as I stomp toward Matteo.

I walk into what looks to be a large mudroom and notice he didn’t even have the decency to wait for me here.

Screw him.

As I make my way through the house, I head down an empty hallway that’s dimly lit up by wall sconces. Rounding the corner, I find myself in what seems to be a living room. I can already tell that the house is decorated similarly to his penthouse. Marble flooring, ivory furniture, dark walls, and gold accents. This must be the other house Matteo has. Hishome.

Pictures hanging on the wall grab my attention. The dim lighting makes it difficult to see, but I walk up to them anyway. There’s one of three young kids, two boys and one girl: Matteo, Enzo, and Izzy.

Then there’s one of the three looking a few years younger than they do now, with an older man and woman.That must be their parents.The last picture hanging on the wall looks to be of the same older man and woman on their wedding day.

“Did you get lost?” Matteo startles me, causing me to jump back.

I bring my hand up to my chest and turn to face him. “What the hell, Matteo?”

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