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"I thought I had no rules but to survive?" I snap back.

"Yeah, well you suck at that too, don’t you?"

I would growl if I didn’t think I would look positively mental.

The smirk he sends me makes me think he can read my mind. "Rule one, you'll eat. Three to four times a day. Rule two, you don’t run from me, because if you do, I'll chase and the amount of will I won’t have to stop myself from taking from you.... let's not test it. And third, the most important. No suicidal attempts. Like I told you before, I'll choose when and how you leave this earth. You are my property now. Got it?"

I narrow my eyes on him.

"Very good, now come here." He kicks the chair out next to him and I stare at it. I need to pick and choose my battles, and this is not one I'm willing to endure at the moment, so I move to him. Sitting in the chair like a good girl and holding my shackled hands out. He pulls a key out of his pocket unlocking my handcuffs and allowing them to fall to my lap. He pushes a plate of fresh fruit and toast towards me and my traitorous stomachgrowls. "You either eat, or I hook you up to a machine and you eat that way. Your choice."

Taking a deep breath, I grab the fork and begin moving the fruit around.

"So, I've been doing some digging into your life. Seems you're not good at much. Memory? Shit. Grades, not the best. Sports? You've never heard of them." I start to zone him out as he lists off my stats. Sure, they're not impressive, I've never had much to show for myself. But I'm not sure why he cares. "And you can't even properly kill yourself. Just a little fuck doll for your ex-fiancé."

Before he finishes the sentence, my fork is buried deep in his skin. My eyes widen as I stand, looking at him.

His face is hard, but his eyes dance. I take a step back, his eyes narrowing. "Constance, do not run."

But I don’t listen. I dash through the kitchen and out the back door. My bare feet hit rocks and overgrown tree roots as I dash through the small forest that ends much quicker than I expected. My feet stumble on rocky sand, my body slamming into the water as a heavy weight presses on my back. His strong hand tangles in my dark blonde hair, gripping at the roots and making my eyes water from the burn on my scalp. He pulls me up by one arm wrapped around my waist, growling when I'm on all fours in front of him. He flips my dress and I feel his soft groan in my ear as he presses into my backside. "Fuck, feel what you've done to me." He grounds his generous length against my ass.

"Do you know how easy it would be to have my way with you?" He asks against my neck, his tongue following the words causing a whimper to break free. I don’t want this, him, but my body feels like it's on fire as I focus on every inch of our bodies connecting. "And by the way your body trembles under mine, you’d fucking like it, wouldn't you?"

I shake my head and cry out as he tightens his grip in my hair.

I can feel the staleness in the air, as he decides what he'll do next. A part of me hopes he takes me so I can hate him more, the other part is afraid I won’t hate him. Not at all.

"The next time you run from me, I'll take what I want. Is that understood, Constance?"

My eyes close and I nod lightly.

He releases me, my body falling into the shallow water. I come back up, sitting on my ass as I take in the vast ocean with no way out. I have nowhere to go. My fate is not my own. I belong to The Beast now.

I thinkmy captor likes to play hide and seek. He fucks up and hides from me for days, while I don’t seek him out. I'm content to haunt this place with my resilient energy of pacing up and down this castle. When I die, I hope they catch visions of a woman in white pacing. It's been days since he rubbed his cock on my ass. So many in fact that I have lost count. I know he's here though. I hear him in his west wing, talking on his stupid phone with his stupid clients. I've been marking the little calendar Francis snuck me. In two days, the fifteenth will be here. I think I have an idea to end this misery. But still, like a foolish girl, I go to him when I hear him in the piano room. He stands by the piano but doesn't play it. Just gazes out the windows.

I take a seat on the bench, my fingers drawn to the keys like magnets. I began playing Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven softly.My captor doesn't turn, but his body tenses. "You could let me go." I say over the moody piano piece, my fingers dancing across the keys in memory. It's one of my favorite pieces. It's broody, angsty and beautiful, kind of like how I picture the man in front of me.

"I can’t." He speaks so softly I almost don't hear him.

My head falls back as my eyes drift, getting lost in the pitch of the song. The emotions become raw and powerful through my fingers. "Why?"

I feel his eyes on me, but I do not open mine. Not yet. I want to feel this piece in case it's the last time.

"Because I own you now."

My finger slips slightly, missing the note but I don’t let it detour me. I keep going until the last note hits. "Please, let me go." I snap my eyes open to meet the dark forest of his.

"As much as it pleases me to hear you beg, I'm afraid the answer is still no."

I slam my hands on the keys, not unlike a child, as I glare. "Let me go. You have no use for me. I'm a good person. I don’t deserve this."

His head tilts as he peers down at me. "Are you? Are you a good person, Constance?" He sneers at me. Pushing his drink away on the piano until it falls to the black and white tile, shattering to pieces.

I stand, pushing away from the piano only to have my arm caught. I turn, coming face to face with my captor. "Not to shatter your victim mentality, but I know things you don’t. I know the missing pieces. The things only your dreams reveal. And trust me when I say, you deserve everything I'm putting you through."

I jerk my arm from his grasp. Heat licks up my body, just a single touch and he has my body on fire. "You knownothing." I snarl.

His laugh echoes behind me as I escape away to my cage. I never thought the white room would be so comforting, not in a castle so cold, but it is. It's my safe space. I fall to my pillow, screaming into it. I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be anywhere. If I can’t be free and safe in my penthouse with my non-caring fiancé, I don’t want it. He's fucking everything up. He's ruining my life. It was supposed to be an easy life. That's how I planned it but then this monster had to take it all away. Just so he could hunt me and choose when to end my life.

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