Page 52 of These Vicious Games

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I giggle,about to send a picture of myself when my phone is snatched out of my hand, something cold and metal presses into the back of my head. “Long time no see, babe.”

I close my eyes, swallowing hard, “Joseph.”

“The one and only. Now type in the damn code to the penthouse before I blow your whore brains out.”

With shaky fingers, I type the code. “What do you want?” I ask.

“Not a lot. Retribution. My poor whore back. Did you really think I’d just let you go? That he could take my fucking thumb and whore? My property? No. You know me better than that.”

He nudges me with the gun when the elevator opens and I stumble into the room. Francis pauses, eyes widening and hand reaching for something.

“Freeze, old man or I’ll kill her.” Joseph's hand wraps around my neck but unlike when Atticus does it, I feel sick. The gun presses into the side of my head. “You stay right there.” He must point to the couch because Francis moves to it. Sitting stock still.

My phone appears in front of my face, unlocking the screen. “Now, whore. Let’s call your fucking toy.” Joseph hisses next to my ear.

FaceTime appears and soon Atticus fills the screen. A smirk on his beautiful face. “Couldn't-”

“Run!” I scream, causing his face to shift right before I cry out, the gun whipping me in the back of the head, causing me to fall.

My temple pounds and when I touch the back of my head, red covers my hands.

“Here is how this is going to go, motherfucker. You’re going to give directions to wherever the fuck you are. I’m going to come and kill you, fuck her on your dead body and then take everything you have for myself.”

“Francis, fly him here.” His voice of stone should scare Joseph but he looks as if he has nothing to lose.

“No,” I whimper.

“Shut up, whore.” He kicks me and I grunt, curling into myself.

“I’ll take you, just… Please stop,” Francis says.

“See you soon,” Joseph says with a smile before the video ends. “Let’s go.” He jerks me up, dragging me behind him.

Francis keepshis eyes glued to mine as we fly. My eyes plead for him to just do what he says so we have a chance to make it out of here.

My head is jerked by my hair, my eyes aligning with Joseph’s. “Want to have a little fun, babe?”

“Joseph, no.” I whisper.

His response is to push me to the jet floor. That familiar sound of FaceTime rings until it’s met with silence. My dress is pushed up, panties ripped from my body. I turn my head, eyes meeting Francis. “Look away,” I mouth. “Please.”

I hear the rip of foil before he’s there. My eyes burn, throat dry as I try to dissociate. “She’s always had a tight cunt, am I right? Beautiful fuck.”


“Don’t worry, once you’re gone, I’ll make sure to fuck her hard and often.”


“Silence, that’s the route you’re going with?”

And then the phone is in front of me, displaying what’s happening. He barges through me, groaning as he throws his head back, gun at my temple. My body moves with each thrust, eyes focused on Atticus as Joseph rapes me.

“Does it make you mad that I have my dick in her? It sure pissed me off when I thought about the two of you.”

Atticus doesn’t respond, eyes still on mine with a promise of something dark.

I lay there being used, watching the one I love. It’s at the point where I’m zoning out, everyone and everything around me, fading except his mossy, green eyes. As pretty as the forest he chases me through.

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