Page 10 of These Vicious Games

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My eyes burn at his words, hot anger like liquid fire sizzling through my blood. I don't even realize I have the gun raised until my eyes strain down the top of it. My body hums with adrenaline, and once I have the perfect shot of his head, I squeeze the trigger. My ears ring but I somehow still hear the sickening thump of his body hitting the ground. I feel my captor’s’ hand trail up, squeezing on the inside of my thigh as he purrs in my ear, "Good girl."

I shiver at his words as he takes the gun from my hand.He drags me, my knees scraping the ground as he pulls me to the body. He throws me on top of the man, my eyes meeting the man’s blank ones. “Look at him,Little Bird.” He hisses, pushing me nose to nose with the corpse. “Do you still wish to be him? Hmmm? You want to die?” I feel the cool metal press to the side of my head, the click on the safety. “Tell me, should I put you out of your misery?” I close my eyes, shaking my head frantically, almost hysterically.

“Good.” He nudges me off the corpse with his boot, pulling me back up. "Two down, two to go. Come on, Little Bird."

"Can I know your name?"I ask as we sit against a tree trunk.

He looks over to me, eyes narrowed slightly. “Atticus."

Atticus.I roll the name in my mind, allowing the hum of it to soothe me. "It suits you.” I relent, but something about the nametugs on my mind, but I'm not sure why. It's an odd, older name, but I swear I've heard it. "Atticus." I whisper, allowing the name to simmer on my tongue.

He raises an eyebrow at me, probably regretting telling me now.

Atticus eliminated the other two men fast and swift. As if the hunt didn’t thrill him this time. He stands, offering me a hand that’s rough and calloused under my palm. “Why do you do this?” I ask.

“For the same reason you enjoyed it.”

I pause mid-step. My face growing pale at the realization. He's right. The sparks of live wire that ran through my blood as I pulled the trigger, felt like the sweetest of dopamine. As if I was living for the first time since…since forever.

And if I feel this way… Does that mean I’m just as bad as him?

Chapter 9

I stay enragedfor a good sixty percent of my life, but when my little bird decided she was done surviving, done living, I lost it. Dragging her and making her kill someone point blank wasn’t my best moment. But I’ve never been as furious as when I stared down into her blank, gray eyes and only saw my reflection. Which is exactly what led to our trip into Seattle. She sits on the couch of my penthouse. Shifting uncomfortably on the stiffleather that will never be broken in. I only come here when I have business that requires me to stay the night or sometimes a couple of days.

Constance shifts her thick braid to theother side of her shoulder. Her long white dress brushing over the tops of her feet. She looks like the picture of innocence. The minimal makeup and light, almost translucent, sprinkle of freckles. She is beginning to fill out her clothes more, the swell of her breast, her soft stomach and flare of her hips. Tiny and curvy, how she's meant to look. Even her face has rounded, high cheekbones full and lush.

No matter how well she looks, her brain is sick. Me keeping her captive is notsomethingshehasn'tlivedwithbefore. Sure, maybe being kidnapped has something to do with the suicideattempts, but I think it has more to do with the lack of medication. Which is what we are doing here in the city.

The elevator dings, causing her to flinch slightly as Luca walks in. He doesn't look like a doctor, not with the dark clothes and tattoos. That's because he's not a registered doctor. He works for the Italian Mafia, who I also work closely with. I'm their fixer when the job is too big for their main guy.

He smiles, flashing Constance his flirty smirk and a wink. She won’t be his only patient by the end of the day if he doesn't keep his wandering eyes to himself. He bends at the knees, coming eye to eye with Constance and I have to white knuckle my glass to keep from ripping him away. He's the only dumb motherfucker I know who would fuck with Seattle’s Beast.

"It's nice to meet you, Constance. I'm here to get you on some antidepressants and mood stabilizers. Have you taken any of them before?"

She nods, running through a list of ones that didn't work and telling him the ones she just had to come off of quite brutally. She finishes that line with a glare at me.

How was I supposed to know? It's not like I asked questions before kidnapping her.

"Are there any other health problems I should be aware of?"

She shakes her head and I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Why was I holding it? It's not like I care if she has some underlying diseases.

"That's great news. Let me get these prescriptions for you and see if we can’t get you feeling better."

She smiles, fucking smiles at him as he rises, walking to me.

"The fuck was that?" I ask, fighting the urge to grip his collar and ram my fist into his pretty face. "Why were you being so fucking nice?"

He raises one strong black eyebrow. "Would you rather I be fucking rude?"

My jaw clenches and I look away, taking a sip of my water.

He chuckles, "That's what I thought."

"Just go already. Send me a bill and a time to pick up the medicine." I wave him off.

Instead of leaving, like anyone with more than one brain cell would, he crosses his hands over his chest. "Where did you take this one from?"

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