Page 44 of Shadows of the Past

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He wouldn’t unlock eyes with her and saw the hardness there begin to soften. Her tears welled up and spilled over her cheeks.

Their combined breathing took on a synchronistic air as the breath in then out became one. Her eyes flashed to his lips, and his to hers. He noted the pain her furrowed eyebrows showed, the desperation, maybe even a resignation there. She was all so vulnerable now, so pliable, so willing, so in need of someone to command her world.

He was up to the challenge.

He let go of her arms, and the two of them just stared at each other. His little devil self who sat perched on his left shoulder whispered in his ear, and he tried to block him. But he couldn’t help it. He had to say it.

“God help me, Moira. I want to fuck you something silly. I need you, sweetheart. I need to—”

She was on him, climbing his body, wrapping her legs around him, kissing him, biting his neck, flicking his earring with her tongue. He hardly noticed the little pain.

They shed their clothes as they made their way to the bedroom.

She fell back into the mattress, her face smeared in his lipstick. He really tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t help it.

As he joyfully and forcefully mounted her, she egged him on, commanding he be faster and thrust harder. She suddenly stopped and asked him. “Are you laughing? What’s so funny?”

“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. I just want to fuck you until I forget where I am and what we’re doing. There isn’t anything else I want in this world.”

It was true, even though it was a white lie.

It was one of his better ones.

Chapter Sixteen

Morning came. They’dmade all the plans the night before. She warned him to take everything he needed with them, because more than likely the Don had discovered where they were staying. They would not be returning. She didn’t want them finding his guns.

“But where?”

“We’ll find something down by the water. There are rooms for rent, boutique hotels with four suites. That kind of thing. Sometimes people rent them by the day. We’ll have a nice dinner there. If you need clothes, we can buy something. I’ll need a couple of things. I want to leave enough so they think we’re coming back.”

“What about your parents?”

“They’ll meet us at the harbor tomorrow. We have family to drive them.”

So he packed up everything and hauled it down to the cabaret.

Dimitri grew a new appreciation for the ladies who had once again showed him how to dress, to walk, how to talk and do his makeup. They even showed him a couple of dance routines, how to wind a feather boa around a pole.

He declined the invitation to do it with an audience. He also declined the offer to do his makeup.

“The time for games is over, ladies. I have to do this my way this time.”

Several nodded agreement and understood. He knew Moira wasn’t so sure.

But he found in these ladies an odd kinship. They were persecuted and chased, many of them with tragic stories of loved ones sent away to live in hospitals, or worse. Some had been pillars of society and were again, as he had to keep reminding himself.

It wasn’t what they wore or their strange way of speaking and showing affection, strange to him at least, that mattered. It was what was in their hearts that he valued most. They didn’t hide that, nor their pride for doing so. Not averse to taking risks, maybe in different ways than he ever would, they were warriors too. Culture warriors who battled every day, lived with pain and regret and their own sad form of PTSD and fear for what they’d experienced in their past.

He enlisted their help, going over the plan he proposed and had partially set up.

“You’ll be working alongside men I’ve been to battle with, men I trust as you do each other. They are protectors.”

He saw in their faces some of the inspiration he’d hoped to find. He trusted them. He wasn’t just hiring a small clutch of interesting men who dressed and identified as women. He was embracing a community, and they him. Moira was his entry ticket to their lives, to their stories.

They were all in for love, supporting his love of Moira, encouraging his efforts to protect her family. They had no love of the powerful Don who showered anger and abuse on them when he could get away with it.

The plan was set. The guys were arriving tomorrow at seven. Then they’d be taken to the boat works to pick up the yacht andmeet them at the harbor here, if all worked out. And if not? Well, there was always his father’s way.

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