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Well, Major General Drake now. Pierce had kept tabs on the bastard, and he’d been steadily promoted through the ranks, winning the trust of high-up government officials.

“Well, well,” Drake drawled, his lips curling into a cruel smile. “The prodigal son returns.”

Pierce’s hands clenched into fists behind his back, his jaw tightening as he glared at the man who had once been his mentor. Drake’s gaze swept over him, assessing.

“You’ve looked better, Jameson,” he remarked casually. “But then again, treason isn’t good for one’s health.”

Pierce’s muscles coiled, every instinct screaming at him to lunge at Blackwood, to wipe that smug look off his face. But with his hands bound and armed men surrounding them, he knew it would be suicide. Instead, he glared at his former superior, pouring all his fury and contempt into that silent stare.

Drake chuckled. “Still the strong, silent type, I see. How fitting.” He turned his attention to Rhiannon, his gaze raking over her in a way that made Pierce’s skin crawl. “And who’s this lovely creature? Your latest conquest? You always did have a way with women.”

Pierce’s muscles coiled as Drake sauntered toward Rhiannon, a predatory gleam in his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to tear the man’s throat out for even looking at her.

Rhiannon lifted her chin, meeting Drake’s gaze with a defiant glare even as the man holding her tightened his grip. “Rhiannon Cross,” she said, her voice steady despite the fear Pierce knew she must be feeling. “And you must be the psychopath behind all this.”

Drake chuckled. “Charming. I can see why Pierce is so... attached to you.” He reached out, tracing a finger down her cheek. Rhiannon flinched away from his touch.

A guttural sound tore from Pierce’s throat, raw and feral. He lunged forward, only to be yanked back by his captors. Pain exploded in his side as one of them drove a fist into his bullet wound. He doubled over, gasping.

“Pierce!” Rhiannon cried out, straining against the arms that held her.

Drake tsked, shaking his head. “Still so impulsive, Jameson. I thought you would have learned to control that temper of yours.” He nodded to the men holding Pierce. “Stand him up.”

Rough hands seized Pierce’s arms, hauling him upright. He swayed unsteadily, pain throbbing through his side. Drake circled him slowly, his eyes gleaming with cruel amusement.

“I must admit, I’m impressed you’ve managed to elude me for this long,” he said. “But did you really think you could hide forever?”

Pierce glared at him, his jaw clenched so tightly it ached. If looks could kill, Drake would be a smoldering pile of ash.

Drake smirked. “No witty retort? Ah, that’s right. You can’t.” He tapped a finger against his temple in a mocking gesture. “Such a shame, what happened to your voice. But then again, loose lips sink ships, don’t they?”

Pierce’s hands clenched into fists behind his back, the plastic zip ties biting into his wrists. He knew Drake was goading him, trying to provoke a reaction. He refused to give the bastard the satisfaction.

Drake’s gaze slid back to Rhiannon. “She really is quite lovely, your Miss Cross. It would be a pity if something were to happen to her. So, here’s what we’re going to do.” He made a motion with his hand, and one of his goons pressed a gun under Rhiannon’s chin.

“You are going to help me fix Tectra-X. It’s malfunctioning, and none of my people have been able to figure out why. Or…” His gaze skipped meaningfully over to Rhiannon. “Her brains paint the wall.”



Rylan blinked awake.His head felt like it had been split open with an ax, but he was alive. He supposed that was a win, though it didn’t really feel like it now.

He opened his eyes in time to see Zak dragging himself up to his hands and knees in the dewy grass several feet away.

Zak coughed and spat, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. “Damn. That could’ve gone better.”

Rylan pushed himself into a sitting position and took stock of his surroundings as the world spun around him. The safe house was a smoldering ruin behind them.

They were lucky to be alive.



Where was she?

He scrambled to his feet, ignoring the wave of dizziness that threatened to send him back to the ground. “Rhiannon!”

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