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Dread whispered through Rhiannon. She’d always had a good sense for people and Brooke was right—Dean was trouble.

Pierce suddenly turned his head, and their eyes met across the cramped space of the cluttered gift shop. Even at a distance, she could feel the tacit warning in his gaze, cautioning her to be alert but not alarmed. His stoic face hardly moved, but she read an entire conversation in that brief eye contact.

He was watching Dean, too, and Rhiannon felt a stab of worry. If Pierce was concerned, there was good reason to be vigilant. He didn’t strike her as the type of guy to overreact or jump at shadows.

Brooke leaned closer, her voice tinged with both curiosity and fear. “Do you think he’s dangerous?”

“I don’t know, but stay close to me and Pierce, okay?“

Brooke winced. “He scares me, too. Not in a creepy way like Dean, but… he’s intense.”

“I know, but I promise he’s one of the good guys.”

Brooke’s eyes widened. “You knew him before all this?”

“Kind of. I’ve never met him in person until now, but he’s friends with my brother, and Ry wouldn’t trust just anyone. Pierce is... complicated, but he’s on our side.”

Brooke nodded slowly, though it was clear she still held reservations. She bit her lip, looking back toward Dean, who remained oblivious to their scrutiny, his attention now fixated on Pierce with a deep scowl.

“I guess you’re right,” Brooke finally murmured. “Pierce does seem like he knows what he’s doing. More than Dean, anyway.”

Rhiannon smiled faintly. “Definitely more than Dean.”

A sudden crash from the other side of the shop drew their attention. Raszta barked loudly, his ears perked up as he stood protectively over Michael’s sleeping form. Everyone froze for asplit second before Pierce commanded the space with a few long strides toward the noise.

“What happened?”Pierce signed, and Rhiannon translated for him.

Then she added, “Is everyone okay?” and earned a scowl from him. She scowled right back. If he didn’t realize all these people were counting on him and needed reassurance from him, then he wasn’t as smart as she gave him credit for.

One of the survivors stood frozen beside a toppled display of travel mugs and postcards. The father of the twins—Alex or Alan or something. Rhiannon hadn’t caught his name. His hands were raised slightly as if to show he hadn’t meant any harm. The look on his face was one of sheer panic.

“I… I just tripped,” he stammered.

Pierce surveyed the scene with a sharp gaze, his body tense as though preparing for something more sinister than an accidental spill. Finally, he gestured sharply, directing the man back to the task at hand. The tension didn’t dissipate, though. It hung heavily in the air, like a storm cloud ready to burst.

“I need you,”Pierce signed to her and butterflies jittered through her belly. He didn’t mean it sexually. She knew that. But still, the words resonated deeper than they should have, stirring something she hadn’t anticipated. She’d never before experienced anything like the lightning strike of attraction that jolted through her nerves whenever Pierce was near. It was unnerving, compelling, and entirely inappropriate, given the circumstances.

“Dorothy?” she called to the older woman. “Can you keep an eye on Michael?”

“Please, call me Dottie. And yes, I’ve got him. Go see what your tall, dark, and silent friend needs,” Dottie replied with a sly smile.

Walking over to Pierce, she kept her gaze focused on him, ignoring the smiles from Brooke and Dottie behind her. The heat of a blush crept up her neck.

It was ridiculous, really, but still, she had to consciously stop herself from smoothing down her hair or straightening her shirt. It wasn’t like this was a date. Now was not the time for indulging in romantic fantasies. They were in a crisis.

Pierce’s scowl deepened as he noticed her hesitation.“Is there a problem?”

“Nope. No problem,” she said a little too brightly. Ugh. She had to rein in her hormones around him and focus. “What do you need?”

He held her gaze with a steadiness that made her heartbeat quicken. His jaw was clenched so tightly that she could see the strain in his neck and feel the tension radiating off of him.

“I need you to translate,”he finally signed.“We need to keep everyone calm and focused and set some ground rules. Nerves are too frayed, and things could devolve into chaos fast if we don’t.”

“Everyone, please gather around.” She signed and spoke simultaneously, ensuring everyone, regardless of their hearing ability, understood. The group slowly congregated, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anxiety.

Pierce stood at the front, his stature and presence commanding immediate attention despite his silence. Rhiannon positioned herself slightly to the side, ready to bridge the gap between his signs and their spoken words.

“Pierce has some important points to share with us all. Please, let’s stay calm and focus on working together.”

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