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The kiss started soft, almost hesitant, but quickly deepened as days of pent-up desire and fear and relief poured out of them both. Pierce’s arms wound around her waist, pulling her flush against him as Rhiannon’s fingers tangled in his hair.

When they finally broke apart, both breathing heavily, she curled her hands into his sweatshirt and rested her forehead on his chest.

Pierce’s hands slid down her back, tracing the curve of her spine. His touch sent shivers through her body, igniting a fire that had been smoldering since their interrupted moment in the hospital. Rhiannon tilted her head up, meeting his intense gaze.

“We should get cleaned up,” she whispered, her voice husky with desire.

Pierce nodded but made no move to let her go. His fingers ghosted along her jawline, tilting her chin up as he captured her lips in another searing kiss. Rhiannon melted against him, all thoughts of showering momentarily forgotten.

They reluctantly separated.

“Go shower,”Pierce signed.

She gathered clean clothes from the duffle bag and crossed the hall to the bathroom. When she stepped under the spray of hot water, she couldn’t help the moan of pleasure. It felt amazing. She’d been dirty for so long that she hadalmost forgotten what clean felt like. The steam enveloped her, wrapping her in a cocoon of warmth that was almost as comforting as Pierce’s embrace. She closed her eyes, letting the water cascade over her, imagining it was washing away not just the grime but the fears that clung to her like a second skin.

She returned to the bedroom to find Pierce hovering right by the door as if he’d been afraid to wander too far away. He instantly pulled her close again, his lips crashing against hers with an intensity that made her knees weak.

It was a Herculean feat of sheer willpower to push him away. Really, she should receive a medal for the effort. But she did with one hand on his chest. “No. Shower first.”

He nodded and strode to the door, tapping the doorknob on his way out, silently telling her to lock it. She did, then leaned against it and sucked in a deep, shaky breath. Her lips felt singed from the heat of his kiss. The sound of the shower starting up floated across the hallway, and she couldn’t help but imagine Pierce under the spray, water cascading down his muscular frame.

She shook her head, trying to clear the image. They needed to focus, to stay alert. But as she moved away from the door, her body thrummed with a different kind of tension than before.

She wanted him.

And she didn’t plan on denying herself.

They could steal one night for themselves, couldn’t they?

Rhiannon busied herself exploring the bedroom, checking the window locks and searching for any hidden cameras or listening devices. Just in case. Finding nothing suspicious, she sat on the edge of the bed, running her hand over the comforter. It was plain but soft. After the last week of sleeping on a camping mat between piles of rubble, this felt like pure luxury.

When Pierce came back and knocked softly on the door, he wore only a towel slung low on his hips. Droplets of water clung to his skin, and his damp hair spiked charmingly.

Their eyes locked, and the air between them crackled with electricity as he dropped the towel.

Rhiannon’s breath caught in her throat as she took him in. Her eyes roamed over his muscular chest, down to his toned abs, and lower still to a long, thick cock. Heat flooded her cheeks, but she couldn’t look away.

Pierce moved towards her with predatory grace, his eyes dark with desire. He stopped just in front of her, close enough that she could feel the warmth radiating from his skin.

He cupped her face in one hand, tilting her head up to meet his gaze.“If you don’t want to?—”

She caught his hand, silencing him. “I want to.”

“What about birth control? We don’t have any condoms.”

“I have a contraceptive implant. We’re protected.”

He nodded but still hesitated.“I… haven’t been with anyone in years.”

She ran her hands over his chest, enjoying the solid muscle beneath her fingertips. “I haven’t either. Not for a long time.”

For a moment, they just stared at each other.

Then, as if a dam had broken, their lips crashed together. He lowered her onto the bed, and with trembling fingers, she helped him remove her clothes, piece by piece, until there was nothing between them but skin.

Pierce pushed himself up on his knees to study her. For the first time, she saw him with his shields completely down, and his eyes were full of wonder.

“I’ve wanted to do this with you for so long. Ever since the first time Rylan showed me your picture.”

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