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Rhiannon carefully shifted Michael, who had finally fallen into a fitful sleep, onto his makeshift bed of sweatshirts. She moved over to sit beside Pierce, their shoulders nearly touching as she leaned in to watch his deft movements.

“Start at the base,”Pierce signed.“You want to separate them, but be careful not to pull too hard.”

He demonstrated with a gentle tug at one of Raszta’s cords.

Rhiannon nodded, reaching out tentatively to touch Raszta’s coat. The dog’s fur was coarse yet surprisingly soft between the cords. She mimicked Pierce’s motions, working her fingers through the tangled strands.

“Like this?” she asked, glancing up at Pierce for approval.

He nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “Good. Now twist it slightly as you go up.”

Their hands worked in tandem, moving methodically through Raszta’s coat. The repetitive motion was oddly soothing, and Rhiannon found herself relaxing despite the tension that still crackled through the air around them.

She stole glances at Pierce’s face, admiring the sharp lines of his profile. He had a great nose, strong and straight. His jaw was clenched, but as they worked together, she noticed the tension slowly easing from his features. The furrow between his brows softened, and his breathing became deeper, more relaxed.

She wondered what it would be like to trace that jawline with her fingertips, to feel the rough stubble beneath her palm that had grown darker over the past few days. Even exhausted and covered in dirt, he was devastatingly handsome, and she was suddenly hyper-aware of his proximity. The heat radiating from his body, the subtle scent of sweat and dust clinging to his skin. Their fingers brushed occasionally as they both reached for the same cord, sending tiny sparks of electricity through her.

His large, calloused hands were so gentle. Those same hands that had fought battles and built weapons now carefully tended to his loyal companion. It told her everything she needed to know about the man beneath the hardened exterior.

As if sensing her gaze, Pierce looked up, and their eyes met. The air between them seemed to thicken, charged with an electricity that made her skin tingle. She held her breath, lost in the depths of his hazel eyes. They were flecked with gold, she realized, like sunlight filtering through autumn leaves.

Pierce’s hands stilled on Raszta’s coat. Slowly, deliberately, he lifted one to brush a stray lock of hair from Rhiannon’s face. His touch was feather-light, barely grazing her skin, as his thumb traced the curve of her cheekbone, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake.

The world around them faded away—the angry voices, the rumbles of the building slowly crumbling around them, even Raszta’s contented sighs. There was only Pierce, his eyes dark with an intensity that made her tremble. His gaze searched hers, filled with a mixture of longing and hesitation. She clearly saw the battle raging in him—the desire to reach out warring with his instinct to keep his walls up.

Rhiannon lifted her hand, mirroring his touch as she gave into the urge to trace the line of his jaw. His stubble was surprisingly soft. She felt the muscles in his jaw flex beneath her fingers and saw the slight parting of his lips as he drew in a shaky breath.

“Rhia,” he signed one-handedly, his movements slow and deliberate. “We shouldn’t...” But even as he protested, he was leaning in. His hand slid from her cheek to cup the back of her neck, his fingers tangling in the soft hair at her nape. His touch was gentle as he dragged her closer. Their foreheads touched first, and they shared a breath, the air between them charged with unspoken longing.

When their lips finally met, it was like the world around them ceased to exist. The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if they were both afraid the other might pull away. But as the seconds ticked by and neither retreated, the kiss deepened, becoming more urgent, more desperate.

Pierce’s hand tightened in her hair, not painfully, but with a possessiveness that made every nerve ending in her body flame to wild life. His other arm snaked around her waist, drawing her closer until she was practically in his lap. His chest was solid andwarm against hers, the excited thump of his heartbeat matching her own frantic rhythm. She melted into him, sliding her hands up to frame his face as the kiss intensified. His lips were firm yet gentle, coaxing hers apart with a tenderness that belied the raw need she sensed simmering just beneath the surface.

A low growl rumbled in Pierce’s chest, vibrating against her breasts. His fingers flexed at her waist, bunching the fabric of her shirt as he pulled her impossibly closer.

It was Raszta who finally broke the spell, wedging himself between them with an indignant whine.

Rhiannon pulled back, breathless and dazed, to find the dog staring at them accusingly. His head was tilted to one side, his expression clearly saying, “Excuse me, but weren’t you supposed to be grooming me?”

A laugh bubbled up from Rhiannon’s chest, breaking the tension. She buried her face in Pierce’s shoulder, her body shaking from the unexpected surge of lust. After a moment, she felt Pierce’s chest rumble with his chuckle.

When she lifted her head, Pierce was looking at her with an expression of stark hunger. His eyes had darkened to a stormy green, and there was a flush high on his cheekbones. He looked younger, somehow, the ever-present lines of worry around his eyes softened.

“I think someone’s jealous,” she whispered, gesturing to Raszta, who was now pawing at Pierce’s leg insistently.

Pierce nodded, his lips quirking into a wry smile.“He’s used to having my undivided attention.”

They both knew they should pull apart and return to the grim reality surrounding them. But neither moved. Being in his arms felt too damn good.

But, eventually, Pierce lifted her off his lap, and disappointment stabbed through her when their eyes met. His expression was once again guarded.

“I’m sorry,”he signed.“That shouldn’t have happened.”

Rhiannon’s stomach dropped. “Why not?”

He ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in every line of his body.“It’s not that I don’t... I just can’t...”He paused, struggling to find the right words.“You’re Rylan’s sister.”

Rhiannon felt her cheeks flush with heat, and that sudden rush of shame pissed her off. “And?”

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