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Sighing, Pierce drank the last of his water, then set the bottle aside.“To be groomed. He needs his cords separated.”

She watched as Pierce carefully combed his fingers through Raszta’s dreadlocks, separating them one by one. She’d noticed him doing it before over the last few days but had thought of it as more of a self-soothing habit than a necessity.

“How often do you have to do that?”

He looked up and finished pulling apart two cords before answering.“A few times a week at minimum, but we like it, so we do it almost every night. It’s soothing for both of us.”He winced as he pulled debris from Razzy’s coat and threw it aside.“I’ve worked hard to grow and maintain the cords over the last few years, and I don’t want to have to shave him when we get out of here.”

She marveled at how he could find solace in something as simple as grooming his dog while the world was literally falling apart around them. “When and not if? Look at you being Mr. Optismic.”

He shrugged.“I like his dreads.”

“Me, too. I’ve never seen a dog like him before.”

“I hadn’t either until I met him.”

“How did you meet him?”

He twisted a few more cords before answering.“He came to the rescue from a hoarding situation about three years ago. He was in pretty bad shape. His cords were matted, and his throat was infected from the chain those bastards kept him on. He was skittish and food-aggressive because he’d had to fight for every scrap he got. Anna rehabilitated his food aggression, and then Zak decided he was the perfect dog for me.”A wry smile twisted his lips.“You’ve heard Raz bark? That raspy, pack-a-day smoker’s voice he has? It’s from the damage the chain did to his throat.”

Rhiannon’s heart ached at the thought of Raszta—funny, protective, scarily intelligent Raszta—abused in such a way. “God, that’s awful.”

“Yeah.”He drew a breath and stroked a hand protectively over his dog. The thought obviously distressed him, too.“Well, anyways, that’s how I sound when I talk. Zak thought he was being funny by pairing us together. But I guess it worked out. Razzy’s… he’s my soulmate in fur. We both know what it’s liketo fight through the darkness. It’s made us who we are, and we’re good for each other.”

She blinked at him in surprise. “Wait. You can talk?”

He winced again and touched his scarred neck before signing,“Sometimes, very softly, but it hurts. ASL is easier.”

She understood that. Maybe because she considered it her native language, but she’d always loved it more than English. “I prefer it in most situations, too.”

He nodded.“I notice you often use both when you speak. Have you always been deaf?”

“Technically, I’m considered hard of hearing because I do have some residual hearing ability.” She touched her hearing aid and wondered how much longer the batteries would last. This was the longest she’d ever gone without charging them. “But, yes, I’ve been this way since birth. My parents knew there was something wrong pretty early on because I didn’t react to sound like most babies. I didn’t get hearing aids until I was two and used ASL before I spoke English. Luckily, my parents enrolled themselves and Rylan in classes and they all learned right along with me.”

“They sound like good people.”

“They are. The absolute best. My daddy is your typical Kentucky boy. He’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s all heart. And my mom… she’s just everything you’d want in a mom.” She looked toward the front of the store and the door they couldn’t get through. Tears rushed into her eyes. “They’re probably so worried right now.”

“You’ll get back to them. I promise.”Pierce’s gaze softened as he reached out, brushing his fingers down the curve of her cheek.

Rhiannon swallowed hard, fighting against the swell of helplessness that threatened to drown her. “There’s Mr. Optimistic again.”

His touch lingered, and the warmth in his eyes momentarily chased away the shadows. She wanted to lean into him, wanted to lose herself in his arms, and let his strength envelop her.

But all too soon, he withdrew his hand and signed, “Hope keeps us alive.”

He actually believed that, she realized. This man, who was so full of darkness and bitter regret, still held onto a thread of hope. It made her chest ache with a mixture of admiration and sorrow. He deserved some peace. He deserved happiness.

Raszta flopped over on his other side and gave an impatient grumble.

She smiled down at him. “I think he’s waiting for you to continue the grooming session.”

“Bossy little shit,”Pierce signed, but indulged the dog’s request with a faint smile.

Rhiannon found herself captivated by his focus as he expertly twined his fingers through Raszta’s cords in an intimate ritual that seemed to anchor both man and dog despite the chaos surrounding them.

“Can you teach me?” she asked. “I could use a distraction right now.”

Pierce’s gaze flicked up to meet hers. There was so much going on behind those dark hazel eyes, and she wanted to unravel every mystery they held. After a moment’s hesitation, he nodded and gestured for her to come closer.“It takes some practice, but I can show you.”

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