Page 43 of Meet Me in a Mile

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“Hey, running buddy! You brought your running shoes, right? I know most of the office isn’t looking forward to our little training session, but I’m hoping we can stir up a little excitement. Maybe I’ll try bribing them with doughnuts. You know, dangle them on a little string like in those old cartoons.”

His smile, which would usually be infectious, only made Lydia frown more.

“You okay?” Jack asked. “Sorta looks like someone stole your favorite drawing pencils.”

Lydia pushed the proposal toward him.

He walked across the room and reached for it, his brows drawing together.

“I didn’t expect to get it back so soon,” she said, surprised she could force the words out at all.

“I only passed it off to the rest of the team a few days ago,” Jack admitted.

“Didyoueven read it?” She hoped she didn’t sound as hurt as she felt.

“Of course I did,” he assured her. “I thought what you did was really inventive. Great use of the space. It really felt like you were catering to the kids’ needs while also being conscious of the environment and the community.”

Any other day his words would have made her beam. Now she was just confused. How could the rest of the team think so little of her design? “Did the leadership team have any notes? Maybe I can scrap a few ideas and get it to where they want or—”

“I’m really sorry, Lydia. They didn’t say anything to me. I could ask for you, but it looks like the rest of the team just didn’t think it was a good fit for what Marco wants to put forward from Poletti’s.” He laid the proposal down on the desk and reached for her, his fingers curling over her shoulder.

Despite his warmth, all Lydia wanted to do was shiver. Maybe it was because of the soft smile he gave her—the consolation smile.

“I’d chalk this one up to a learning opportunity and move on to the next project.”

“Right,” Lydia said, feeling unsure of herself, of her talents, of her ideas. Of the evening spent with Luke, exploring the center, picking his brain. Everything felt like a waste. Logically, she knew that only one project was going to be selected to represent Poletti’s in the competition. Even if only a third of Poletti’s decided to submit something, she’d still be competing against nine or ten other proposals. She wasn’t foolish or naive enough to assume her work was better than everyone else’s, but Jack himself said he’d only given it to the rest of the leadership team a few days ago. Maybe they hadn’t bothered to read her work before rejecting it.

That thought infuriated her, but what Lydia hated more was that she’d kind of expected Jack to go to bat for her. Had he just scribbled his thoughts on some Post-it note and tossed it onto the next person’s desk? She shook her head, trying to displace some of her disappointment. If the rest of the team didn’t think she’d made the cut, then why did Jack’s actions matter?

“I’ll see you at training,” Jack said, letting his hand slide down the length of her arm to her hand. He smiled and squeezed, and Lydia felt her heart lob against her ribs. She’d always wanted Jack to smile at her like that, to look at her like that, she just sort of wished she didn’t feel so wretched when it finally happened.

“See you out there,” she said, trying to salvage the moment. “I’ll be the one in the sneakers.”

“Ah, no. That’s what I was going to wear.”

Lydia watched him disappear from her office, knowing that in the end, he was only one voice on the leadership team. If she was ever going to prove herself in this office, she needed more support than just Erik’s and Jack’s. That thought didn’t make her feel any better, and by the time she’d changed into her activewear and met the rest of the office nearby at Chelsea Park, the bagel she’d scarfed down sat in her gut like a waterlogged brick.

“Running makes me want to puke,” Kirsten complained as they made a slow lap of the park together. They’d quickly broken off into groups, some running, some walking and some cheering the team on from shady benches. “Maybe I should start taking private lessons from your sexy trainer.”

“They do help,” Lydia said, knowing her old self would have already pitched over into a bush. “At least Jack didn’t make us do a long warm-up. Luke makes me do burpees.”

“Ew. And you’re paying him for that?”

“Yeah. I’m actually funding my own torture.”

Kirsten hummed. “Well, it’s working, because you’re all fit and glowy lately. That’s part of the reason I’m out here sweating with you instead of opting forteam bench. I want to be fit and glowy, too.”

Lydia didn’t feel particularly glowy right now.

Kirsten took a gasping breath. “I figure it’s either the exercise or the hot sex with your trainer.”

Lydia rolled her eyes. “I’m not sleeping with Luke...anymore.”

“Boo! I like it better when you’re both being unprofessional,” Kirsten said.

“Well too bad,” Lydia said. “Though Iamsort of in the mood to make bad decisions with someone right now.” She could use a good distraction.

“Oh? Why?”

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