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This was a gentle side of Draven that she was captivated by.

“I’d like that,” she breathed. Hell yeah, she wanted to see him again. She could barely contain her excitement because she didn’t want to look like a goofball in front of him. But she did haveto clarify what he meant. They hadn’t started off on the right foot. Both nights they had ended up in the bed together. Did he mean just continue to sleep with her? She frowned. “Wait. Do you mean take me out on a date or just?—”

“I want you, Cashea. As in you be my woman.”

She blinked. Be his woman? She smiled and gave a nod.

“I want you, too, Draven and I like the sound of that.”

Chapter Twelve

They were being followed. Draven glanced in the rearview mirror casually and took note of the two pickup trucks that were about a quarter of a mile behind him. He focused back on the road. Cashea’s hand was still clasped in his. He hadn’t wanted to let her go since he had taken hold of it.

When he had awakened, he had panicked, thinking she had left. He was surprised that she had been able to get out of bed without him waking up. The last time he had slept so deeply was at her place. There was something about this woman that kept the nightmares away. Being with her soothed his soul, and he refused to lose her, and seeing her trying to walk away from him had set himoff.

It was out of character for him, but he needed to have her hear what he had to say. He had figured they would have a chance to talk when they woke up. He’d kept her up pretty late. He hadn’t been able to get enough of her. Having her in his bed did something to him. His dick was hard right now thinking of what it felt like to sink deep inside her. Cashea’s small sighs, moans, and cries still echoed in his head.

Even though they had only recently met, he already knew she was meant for him. He would take his time and court her. That was what his father would recommend.

Hell, the old man was going to get a kick out of the notion that he had found a woman. Andy and Bee would probably start trying to plan his wedding the moment he brought Cashea to the main house to meet them. Marriage didn’t seem like a such a bad idea anymore. He was shocked that the thought had even entered his head. He had been so against it before, but now that he had met Cashea, it was an option he was willing to consider.

Cashea was staring out of the window. She hadn’t said much, but he was all right with that.

“I need to stop at the gas station. It won’t take me long,” he said.

“That’s fine.” She looked over at him with a small smile.

Her beauty took his breath away. How the hell was he so damn lucky that she would even give him any of her attention? There were certainly better men than him she could be with. He loved seeing her smile at him. He even felt the strange movement of his lips curving in an upwards tilt. He hadn’t had much to smile about in the last few years.

Until he’d met her.

They soon arrived near the center of town, and still those two trucks were trailing behind at a safe distance. Draven would make a stand in the gas station parking lot. There was little doubt in his mind that it was a coincidence that the two trucks were going in the same direction as him. He didn’t need any weapons to defend himself. He could thank the Marines for all of the skills he’d been taught. He glanced over at Cashea. He didn’t care who came for him, no one would ever touch her.

He pulled into the gas station and parked near a pump. There was a single car near the storefront of the station. It was bright and early, and not many people had been out on the road. His tank was a little less than full. He killed the engine and checked on Cashea.

“Want anything?” he asked.

“No, I’m good.” She shook her head and gave a little squeeze to his hand.

Unable to resist, he tugged her to him and pressed a hard, quick kiss to her lips. He wanted more, but he had made a promise that he would be at breakfast. Ridge didn’t seem too convinced that he was going to make it.

“She’s a pretty little something,” Ridge said.

His younger brother had a twinkle in his eyes. Cashea leaving his house early in the morning would not be a secret. Draven was sure Ridge would go blabbing to their father and Bee.

“I don’t know what I’m doing,” Draven admitted.

The last relationship he had been in, she had cheated on him almost every single time he’d been deployed. That was about six years ago when he’d broken up with her. Draven hadn’t thought about Brooke in a long while. Because of her, he had decided he wouldn’t enter into any relationships while he was still enlisted. By the time he’d retired, he didn’t think he was even fit to be around the ranch animals.

“She’s obviously here for a reason. Be your grumpy-ass self. I don’t know why, but she likesyou.” Ridge grinned and slapped him on the shoulder.

Draven studied Ridge and saw nothing but brotherly love in his eyes. Draven relaxed and gave a nod. Ridge was right. She apparently didn’t mind his gruff nature.

“I’ll be there for breakfast,” Draven said.

“Look, I got worried when you weren’t picking up the phone. You know it means a lot to him that you come around,” Ridge said.

Draven glanced away and stared out into the yard. He knew his father wanted him around them more. He even realized that. His family was all that he had, and they had always been behind him.

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