Page 99 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Nothing but the sounds of nature greeted her here.

“Come on, girl,” Jordan murmured. She casually walked around the front and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. Her car was untouched. She half expected the tires to be slashed. Iker’s truck was hidden behind the barn. They hadn’t wanted to advertise that they had company.

Her gaze landed on the boarded-up front window. She grimaced at the proof of chaos that she had brought to Rhys’s home. She had offered to pay for it, but Rhys refused. His home owner’s insurance would pick up the tab. She looked away and continued on. She and Honor walked the full perimeter and found nothing.

Not that Jordan would be able to rest. Someone had already been out there in the back, and they hadn’t even known it until Honor had alerted them. That left a bad taste in Jordan’s mouth. She would have to be on alert from now on. They were growing bolder with their antics.

It was time to end these little games.

She would go to Bravon and settle this once and for all.


Rhys shut off the shower and exhaled. The steam was almost blinding. After moving the dead deer to a position farther away from the house, he’d needed a good hot shower. This was a fucking message from Bravon. Rhys had sent a text to Cameron who hadn’t had any new updates on the gangster. It was as if he were a ghost. No one had seen him or was admitting to it.

Rhys reached for his towel and dried his body off, wrapping the towel around his waist. This was one time he was thankful Nova was staying at Sara Beth’s house. He didn’t know how his daughter would have reacted to another event on their property. It was bad enough with the brick through the window and Jordan’s accident. Rhys thought back to that night where he’d seen two figures outside and launch something at the window. He hadn’t known what they were sending through the glass, he just knew he had to protect Jordan.

They were lucky it wasn’t a pipe bomb or something that could have been deadlier where Jordan or Nova would have been injured. This was getting out of hand. Someone was going to be severely injured or killed.

Rhys made his way out of the bathroom. It was dim in the bedroom, only two candles Jordan had burning on each nightstand providing light, along with the muted television on a news channel. Jordan was curled up on the bed watching the television. She had jumped in the shower before him and was still wrapped up in her towel. The bedroom door was open with Honor lying across the threshold. She lifted her head when Rhys approached the door.

“Hallway,” he murmured.

Honor voiced her complaint with a wide-mouthed yawn and groan. She got up and moved out of the way, allowing him to shut the door. The dog gave a few feeble scratches on the door before there was a thump on the floor where he was sure she’d settled.

“Why are you so cruel? She can stay in here with us,” Jordan murmured.

He turned and walked back to the bed. Jordan’s entire demeanor was off, and he didn’t like it. This shit with Bravon was eating at her. Her warm brown eyes watched him as he took a seat at the edge of the bed near her.

“She’s needed out there to guard the house.” Rhys was a heavy sleeper, but if Honor barked, he’d hear her. He reached for Jordan’s foot and took it in his hand. He rubbed along the arch.

Jordan’s eyes fluttered closed for a moment. A small smile played on her lips while she leaned back against the pillows.

“That feels good.” She sighed. Her toes were painted a bright pink which was a direct representation of her personality. She was always so full of life, laughter, and fun.

Rhys glanced up at her and found her watching him through hooded eyes.

“Good,” he murmured.

He applied slight pressure with the massage. A moan slipped from her lips. He slid his hands up to her toned calf muscle. Hecouldn’t help but think of all the events that had led up to this night. He didn’t have a good feeling about any of it. He took in Jordan’s beautiful brown skin, her dark hair pulled up into a bun on top of her head, her toned but curvy frame that was hidden by the big fluffy towel.

“I love you.”

The words tumbled from his lips. There was never a better moment than now to remind her of his feelings. She had been through so much as of late and needed to hear how he felt about her. It didn’t matter how stubborn she was, how much she felt she had to be superwoman, she needed to hear that through it all, he loved her.

Her features softened as she met his stare.

“I love you, too, Rhys,” she whispered.

Jordan blinked and pushed up off the pillows and sat up, displacing her foot from his hold. She crawled over to him and knelt by his side. Her hands reached up and unfolded the towel. She pulled it away from her naked body and dropped it onto the floor. The air from Rhys’s lungs was snatched from him. He inhaled sharply and took in her flawless frame. He was unable to look away from the perfection before him. Those large, swaying brown orbs with darker areolas. Her tapered waist that flared out into her wide hips. Rhys licked his lips and reached for her.

She straddled his lap. He rested his hands on her waist while her fingers dove into his hair. She lowered her lips to his. The kiss they shared was one that was deep and filled with emotions. Rhys sensed the love pouring from Jordan into him. There was no doubt that this woman loved him and would do anything she could to prove it.

Her soft lips coasted over his. Her tongue pushed forth and dueled with his. Rhys reached up with one hand and cupped her cheek. She tilted her head to rest her face in his palm, and he took command of the kiss. He boldly sent his tongue insideher mouth. A moan escaped her. He loved the sensation of her fingers combing through his thick strands. He broke the kiss with a shiver rippling down his spine. He trailed his tongue and lips across her jawline and down toward her neck. His hand that had rested on her waist slid down to the plump meat of her ass and brought her flush to him.

A growled escaped him. There needed to be nothing between them. He reached down and removed the offending towel and tossed it out of the way. The move allowed Jordan to be closer to him. Her warm bottom rested on his hardened cock.

She brought her arms around his neck, positioning her breasts against his chest. Rhys reveled in the feeling of her body pressed to his. He rolled them down onto the bed where he was half on top of her. His knee slipped between her thighs. The warmth of the area radiated onto his thigh.

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