Page 90 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“We usually don’t bring our work home,” Zayden said. He slapped Rhys on the shoulder and stood by him. Duchess, quiet, took in the scene and sat at her handler’s feet.

“There’s a first time for everything,” Rhys said. He’d dealt with his share of bad guys in all the years he’d been on the force, but he’d never had anything spill over onto his home life. Sure, threats sent to the precinct or promises made when he arrested a punk, but never anyone coming this close to his family.

“What do you need?” his longtime friend asked. Zayden was no stranger to the craziness of their job. His attention went to the SWAT team. “What are they doing here? What the fuck happened?”

Apparently, it was time for Rhys to put Zayden out of his misery. Jordan’s gaze landed on him. She was still dressed in what she had thrown on last night before she had crashed into bed. She had tried to argue with him and say she wasn’t sleepy, but the moment her head had hit the pillow, she was out like a light. That woman was so damn stubborn.

Rhys gave Zayden a rundown of the events of the night. Zayden narrowed his gaze on Jordan then glanced back at Rhys. Jordan broke away from the SWAT guys and began making herway over to him and Zayden. Honor trailed along at her side, still not letting Jordan out of her sight.

“You and Knight?” Zayden grinned. He chuckled then fell into an all-out laugh. He shook his head and slapped Rhys on the shoulder again. “Man, good luck with this one.”

“You talking shit, Gipson?” Jordan smirked.

She came over to Rhys who opened his arm. She slid under it and wrapped hers around his waist. He gave her a tight squeeze and kissed her forehead. Honor sat at their feet without needing to be told.

It felt damn good to be able to claim his woman publicly in front of the whole damn world.

Well, maybe not the world at the moment, but the precinct. Word would get around after this morning. So now anyone who was sniffing around Jordan would know that she was, in fact, taken, and if they had something to say about it, they could come see him.

“Not at all, Knight.” Zayden chuckled again. He stared at the two of them and shook his head. “How did we all not see this?”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out.” Brodie joined them.

He and Zayden shared a brotherly hug. The two had similar features. Zayden was the elder brother and had about an inch on Brodie.

“What up, Duchess?”

Duchess immediately stood and wagged her tail at the attention. Brodie gave her a good rub on the head.

“Well, it was no one’s business,” Jordan quipped.

A small smile lingered on her lips. She glanced up at Rhys, and he had the sudden urge to take those lips in a kiss. But that would be for later. Because he wasn’t going to be able to stop once he started.

She sighed and suddenly went serious. “Mac doesn’t think we should stay here.”

“I’m not leaving my fucking home,” Rhys growled. He tightened his hold on her. There was no way in hell they were running him out of his house. He didn’t care who he’d have to face, they were not leaving.

Jordan nodded and gave him a soft pat to the chest.

“I know. I already told him that,” she said.

“Then you need additional security,” Mac’s deep voice came behind them.

The rest of the SWAT team joined them. Apparently, Mac had been notified of what had happened, and the entire team had showed up. Rhys had known they were a close-knit group, but this completely proved how close they were. Declan, Ashton, Myles, Iker, and Zain were all there in full force. Even dressed in their fatigues with weapons. These men were ready for everything. Rhys could appreciate that Jordan had a team that had her back.

“Mac, that is not necessary,” Jordan said.

“And what happens when they come back? This is a big property. You wouldn’t be able to see them coming,” Ashton pointed out.

Murmurs went out around the group.

“So what? Y’all are going to sleep out on the property at night?” Jordan snorted.

“Hell, this would be better than where I had to sleep when I was overseas,” Myles muttered. The big guy scanned the lush green acres that surrounded them.

Rhys was proud of the property he had obtained. He was in love with it and the farm. He’d worked damn hard to afford it, and it had been everything he’d wanted in life.

“Shit, I know that’s right.” Declan snickered. “Hell, soft green grass versus the deserts of a foreign country? I’d take this any day.”

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