Page 85 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“That’s the plan. I’m going to kick her ass!” Jordan shouted.

Rhys continued to pull and tussle with the two women until finally Sara Beth’s hair slid free. His ex-wife fell to the ground in the mud and dirt. Rhys picked Jordan up and walked her a fewfeet away to what he considered a safe distance. He was afraid to put her down, but he had no choice.

“Let me go!”

“Not until you calm down,” he growled.

“That’s who you are involved with? She’s crazy, Rhys!” Sara Beth shouted.

“Shut up, Sara Beth,” he yelled over his shoulder.

He set Jordan down on her feet and forced her to turn to him. She was panting, and sweat lined her brow. Her eyes were the darkest brown he had ever seen. She was beyond pissed. It didn’t take a damn rocket scientist to see that.

“Calm down, Jordan.”

“Calm down?” Jordan took a step toward him.

Fuck. Why had he said that? It was without a doubt one of the dumbest things he could say in a situation like this.

“Did you hear what that bitch called me?”

“I heard, but you didn’t need to stoop down to her level.” He rested his hands on her shoulders and prayed she let it go. Her truly kicking Sara Beth’s ass around his property was the last thing he needed.

“Oh, she doesn’t know how low I can go. I’ll drag that bitch to Hell where she belongs.”

Jordan made a move to go around him, but he stepped in front of her.

She growled and tried to shove him out of the way. “Racist bitch!”

“What is going on out here?” Nova’s voice sounded behind Rhys.

He groaned and spun around where he could put his arm back around Jordan’s waist to keep her from rushing toward Sara Beth again.

“Nova, get your mother out of here,” Rhys said.

Sara Beth pushed off the ground and spun toward Nova who was staring at the scene with wary eyes.

“Nova, honey. I’m here,” Sara Beth announced. She brushed off her knees and tried to make herself appear presentable. Her dress had smudges of dirt all over it. Her blonde hair was no longer sleek but standing up all over her head. “Oh, I see you still have that pink color in your hair I told you to get rid of.”

“I like it and I’m keeping it,” Nova said. She sniffed and glanced over at Jordan and Rhys. She studied Jordan before turning back to her mother. She waved for Sara Beth. “Come on, Mom.”

“But I was here to discuss with your father?—”

“We are done, Sara Beth. Just go.” Rhys tightened his grip on Jordan. He didn’t trust his little fighter for nothing. The second he gave her room, she was going to take it. He knew her well enough.


“Mom. You heard Dad. It’s time for you to leave. Unless you want him to let Jordan go.”

Nova eyed Jordan again, and it was then Rhys saw a twinkle in her eye.

Jordan was wearing off on Nova.

Sara Beth frowned and spun on her heels and began to walk away with Nova toward the house. Rhys waited until they were out of sight before he relaxed his hold on Jordan. He spun her around and gripped her chin in his hand.

“What the fuck, Jordan?” Rhys muttered.

“What are you yelling at me for? You heard with she called me,” she growled. She rested her hands on her waist. “That bitch deserved way more than what she got.”

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