Page 80 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“What are you talking about?” She met his gaze without batting an eye. The woman even had the nerve to raise her chin slightly.

“Don’t bullshit me, Jordan. I can see you are in pain,” he said.

“It’s not pain. I’m stiff,” she muttered. She reached up and brushed a few loose strands of hair from her face. She shrugged and glanced out at the yard. “I’ll be okay. It’s nothing to tell Spook about.”

“I should call him. How do you think he will like knowing that his SWAT officer who was almost in a fatal car crash was not taking care of herself?” he threatened.

“You wouldn’t.” She rested her hands on her waist and tried to glare at him.

He stepped toe to toe with her, not fazed by her little tough-girl glare. He mimicked her and rested his hands on his waist. He met her gaze head-on.

“I would if it means my woman gets some actual rest.” If looks could kill, he would be pushing up daisies, but Rhys wasn’t going to let Jordan bully him. He was immune to her tough-woman charade. He knew the real Jordan, and she was his responsibility.

“What the hell do you think I’m doing?” Jordan spread her arms wide. She motioned around them. “Resting is all I’ve been doing. I’m ready to go back to work. Since you want to call Spook, tell him that.”

She brushed past him, bumping into him. Rhys grabbed her arm and spun her around toward him. She tried to push him away, but he held on to her tight.

“Do you know how much I love you? Care about your well being?” he growled. He drew her flush to him. He reached up with his free hand and tipped her chin back so she could meet his gaze. This stubborn woman always brought out this protective side of him.

Jordan searched his eyes. Whatever she saw caused hers to widen slightly.

“You could have been taken from me, and I’ll be damned if you injure yourself even more, woman.”


“I’m not done. Now you get in that house, go take those pain pills the doctor prescribed for you, and then you go put your damn feet up and relax.”

Rhys caught sight of her plump lips and couldn’t resist a taste. He lowered his head and captured her lips with his. Her mouth immediately opened. His tongue pushed forth and swept inside. She tasted of strawberries and sunshine. He wasn’t sure how, but he needed more.

Jordan groaned and leaned into him. Her arms snuck around his neck as she returned the kiss with the same fire and drive that he had. Why couldn’t she just listen to him? Didn’t she know he just wanted to take care of her? Give her everything she needed? Even if that was some damn common sense.

Rhys tore his mouth away and rested his forehead on hers. Their panting filled his ears. As much as he wanted to throw her over his shoulder, they couldn’t. She had to heal, and putting his desires on the back burner was a must. He could wait. Sex with Jordan was well worth it. Their first time after the car accident would be mind-blowing. This he already knew.

“I love you,” Jordan said. His t-shirt was balled up into her fist. She released it and smoothed out the material. Her wide brown eyes lifted to meet his. She smiled softly and shook her head. “You know you are the only man I would ever allow to manhandle me like that, right?”

He barked a laugh and dropped a hard kiss to her swollen lips.

“I know. Now go. I’ll be in the barn working.” He turned her around and angled her to the house. He gave a gentle push and swatted her backside.

She glanced over her shoulder. The heat burning in those brown orbs had him almost following her inside.

“Well, I guess I have orders to follow.”

She tossed him a wink, and if he hadn’t been in love with her already, he certainly would be then. That woman was it for him. He watched her make her way into the house before he headed to the barn. He readjusted himself as he walked. His cock was stiff and pressing at his jeans. He grimaced and tried to will it down. Cleaning out horse stalls with a hard-on would not be ideal.


“He is not the boss of me,” Jordan grumbled. She dropped the towel on the floor and reached for the clean clothes she had laid out on the bed. She had worked up a sweat playing out in the yard with Honor. It had felt good to stretch her legs and run. She grinned thinking how much fun Honor had with the game.

After she had been sent away into the house she had quickly checked in on Nova who was in great spirits. The young girl had confided in Jordan about the last-minute trip her friend had invited her on. Nova had been worried her father would say no. If Rhys had, Jordan had already decided she was going to talk him into changing his mind. But it looked as if Nova had succeeded on her own. The girl was flying around her bedroom trying to decide what she would take with her.

Jordan was happy this had come up. This would allow her to relax knowing that Nova was going to be far away from them. Bravon and his family may have a long reach here in the continental US, but she doubt it extended to the open waters of the Mediterranean. Now all she had to worry about was Rhys and keeping him safe from harm. But if he heard her saying this out loud, he’d be pissed.

Jordan took in the rumpled blankets on their bed. She hadn’t thought she was tired, but her body must be trying to tell her something. She had come in here with the intention of taking a shower and had made the mistake of lying across the bed. A few hours later, she woke up confused.

Yeah, she wasn’t going to admit to Rhys he had been right about her needing rest. She had jumped up and run into the shower once she had realized her mistake.

Jordan inhaled sharply as she raised her arms and slid the soft cotton shirt over her head. If Rhys wanted her to relax, then that was what she would do. Running around with Honor had been a workout for her. It had certainly got her heart rate up and had her breathing hard. She was a little concerned with how out of breath she was, considering she could usually run five to ten miles.

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