Page 78 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Honor barked her response. Her entire body wiggled with each wag of her tail. She was ready to go off and find Jordan.

“Honor,” he called her name. She paused and glanced at him. “Where’s Jordan?”

She gave a series of barks and tried to pull away from Nova. He laughed at her antics. Nova screeched and fell over onto the ground as she released the German Shepherd. Honor took off running across the yard. Rhys was curious as to where Jordan had hidden.

“Look at her go!” Nova laughed. She stood and brushed a little dirt off her legs.

Rhys pushed off the railing and went down the stairs and stood next to Nova. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and dropped a kiss onto her forehead.

“How long have y’all be at this?” he asked.

If Honor had her way, they would be playing it for hours at a time. The dog loved her games. If it wasn’t catch, it was hide and go seek. She was a pup at heart. As long as she remained in good shape and was happy, she wouldn’t have to retire anytime soon.

“I don’t know. I think at least an hour.” Nova laughed. She leaned into his hug and wrapped an arm around his waist.

They stood together and watched Honor sniff around the edge of the trees. She moved on to another set as if she were following Jordan’s trail. Rhys scanned the small wooded area and saw no sign of his woman.

Where the hell was she hiding?

Honor lifted her head and barked. She went back immediately to her job of sniffing the land. Her tail wagged as she continued.

“You feed her?” he asked.

“Jordan did,” Nova answered.

Rhys had figured Honor would seek out Jordan when they had returned home. The dog certainly loved having Jordan living with them. She had stayed glued to her hip every chance she got. The two were a close pair.

“Oh, is she on her trail?” Nova’s laugh grabbed Rhys’s attention.

Honor was sprinting across the yard and headed toward the barn. Rhys chuckled. Apparently Jordan had tried to throw Honor off and must have stood by the trees first before running into the barn. Smart woman, but not enough to outwit a K9. Honor skidded to a halt in the opening of the barn. Her head lowered, and she went inside. She was focused as if she were following a perp. The dog disappeared into the barn.

“She’ll catch Jordan,” Rhys murmured. He had money on the dog. She was damn good at what she did. That nose of hers was a machine. It always amazed him to think of how many scents she could detect. Finding Jordan would be light work for her.

“I don’t know. Jordan told me to hold her for ten minutes before letting her go.” Nova shook her head.

Rhys grinned. Jordan was going to fail at trying to hide from Honor. She didn’t know the dog as well as she thought if she figured Honor would lose her scent. Honor’s bark echoed through the air. It was an excited bark, one that she gave off when playing. It wasn’t her signal she gave when she found what they were searching for.

“Just wait,” he said. He gave Nova’s shoulder a squeeze. He had all the faith in his K9 partner.

“So, Dad. I wanted to ask you something,” Nova said. She turned to him with wide eyes.

He bit back a groan. He knew the look. She was about to ask him for something.

“How much?” He raked his fingers through his hair. He knew his daughter well enough to know when she was about to grovel for something she wanted. She’d done it when she was a kid, and now, here she was, a college woman, still pulling the same trick.

“Here me out!” She laughed. She pouted and jumped in place. “This is a lifetime opportunity that I can’t pass up.”

Rhys laughed. Why did everything have to be a lifetime opportunity? She had barely begun to live life, and according to her, she couldn’t miss anything.

“What is it?” he asked. He folded his arms and leveled her with what she called his fatherly look. This was something he had to hear. What did she consider to be a lifetime opportunity this time?

“Well, you remember my friend, Natalie, right?” Nova asked.

He racked his brain to try to remember all of these friends she had. It was hard to keep up. She had her high school friends, college, and work buddies.

“Remind me.” He gave up. There was no telling which one she was talking about.

“You know Natalie. Her parents are mega loaded. They are wanting to do a cruise to the Mediterranean and invited me.”

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