Page 69 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“I was just going to say that there are already a ton of cops in the room. We usually only allow two visitors, but since it’s the police we tend to be a little lenient,” she replied softly.

Rhys cursed, hating how he had just yelled at her. She was only doing her damn job. He bobbed his head in a nod and headed in the direction she had pointed to.

Of course her SWAT brothers would be there.

But before him?

Anger mounted in him. He didn’t want to believe that she hadn’t called him, but her SWAT team. His free hand clenched into a fist. Why the fuck hadn’t she called him? They had madeso many strides in their relationship. This keeping it a secret was fucking over. He didn’t give a shit about her wanting to be discreet. He was in love with her and he didn’t give a damn who knew it.

When he turned the corner, he could tell which room was hers. The door was slightly ajar, and he could partially see inside. The curtain that blocked the glass wall and door was open, and an officer leaned against the frame. A low murmur filtered out. He couldn’t tell who was speaking, and frankly, he didn’t care.

Rhys arrived at the room. The figure in the frame glanced over his shoulder. It was Brodie. His eyebrows rose high while Rhys stepped forward into the room. The conversation ceased as he took Brodie’s place.

Her entire SWAT team was present.

Rhys glanced around and slowly made eye contact with all of the men. His gaze finally landed on Jordan who sat in the bed dressed in a hospital gown. She looked so small and innocent, but he knew that was just a farce.

They didn’t say a word.

“No one from the precinct was to come up here,” Myles announced.

He came to stand in front of Rhys. He had a few inches on Rhys, causing him to tilt his head back slightly. Rhys didn’t bat an eye at the big man. Honor, who must have sensed the tension in the air, gave a low warning growl.

“Is that so?” Rhys didn’t miss how the other team members positioned themselves in front of Jordan. They were protecting her. Little did they know he was the last person she needed protection from. Maybe from the sound spanking he wanted to give her for not having him called when she’d arrived at the hospital, but that would be a conversation for another day.

“Yeah, you may want to go home, Rhys. We’re updating the captain,” Declan said from his corner.

He folded his arms. The sergeant’s sharp eyes didn’t waver as he tried to dismiss Rhys. Each of the men were still and standing at attention like wolves ready to attack a large prey.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Rhys drawled.

Honor’s muscles were taut as she swayed slightly where she stood.

“Is that so?” Myles growled. His eyes narrowed on Rhys.

Ash and Brodie moved to his side, but Rhys didn’t shift his eyes from Myles.

“Maybe we’ll have to remove you.”

Rhys smirked and brought Honor’s leash closer to his side to keep her near him. He would love to see Myles fucking try. The way he was feeling at the moment, he didn’t care about it being seven of them against him—and Honor. His girl wouldn’t let him enter a fight without being right by his side.

“It’s him,” Mac’s voice cut through the air.

The men near him stiffened and jerked their heads toward Mac. The leader of the team had yet to budge from where he stood nearest Jordan. His hard glare met Rhys.

“Him who?” Iker asked.

“Jordan’s man. The one she’s been keeping from us,” Mac replied.

Each of the SWAT members turned slowly to look to Jordan for confirmation. She sat on the bed with wide eyes. There was a sadness to them that Rhys hated seeing. What had put it there? He would find out and he would fix whatever it was.

“Am I wrong, Knight?”

Jordan shook her head.

“Move, Myles.” Jordan cleared her throat. She reached up and tucked her dark hair behind her ear. She glanced down atthe bed first before her gaze connected with his. “Mac is right. I’m with Rhys. Let him by.”

Myles had yet to take his eyes off Rhys. He turned back and met Myles’s deadly glare. Honor growled again, her body poised and ready to attack. Her sharp canines were on display. The dog’s loyalty knew no boundary. She was waiting for him to give the order.

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