Page 67 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Jim stood from his desk and reached for his keys. He ambled over to the cell bars and inserted the keys into the lock.

“What is he in for?” Jim nodded toward Brock.

“Armed robbery,” Rhys replied.

He gave a push for Brock to enter via the cell door that Jim had open and waiting for him. The kid could fight all he wanted, he was going into the cell. If he hadn’t chosen the life of robbery, he wouldn’t be facing this now.

Rhys held on to Brock and guided him to the door. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of jail?”

Jim reached out and helped pull Brock over. They were able to get the handcuffs off him and secured him inside with the other criminals. Brock immediately came to the bars, pressing his face against them.

“You can’t leave me here. I don’t belong here!” he shouted. The kid was practically in tears. A few escaped and slid down his face.

Rhys almost felt sorry for him, but then he remembered how Brock had waved his gun in front of the poor gas station attendant. The woman had been scared for her life.

“I can and I am leaving you. Maybe your daddy will come bail you out.” Rhys snorted.

“Why don’t I get him processed for you?” Jim said, walking over back to his desk. He was a much older gentleman, bald with a great big stomach pudge. He was a good man and had been one hell of an officer until he had got injured on duty. He’d taken a desk job just to be able to still put on his uniform and come in to work every day.

“You sure you want to do that?” Rhys scratched the top of his head. That would allow him to get off earlier. Processing this kid would have him staying for a bit.

“Yeah, I just clocked in. I’m here till tonight. Might even stay and get some OT.” Jim sighed. He leaned back in his chair and grinned.

“Then I’ll owe you one.” Rhys laughed.

“That’s what I’m counting on.” Jim chuckled.

Rhys gave him a salute and turned on his heels. He already knew how he could repay the old guy for handling this. Jim liked his coffee and baked goods. Maybe he’d get him some donuts or muffins the next time he worked. Jim would love that.

Rhys put a little pep in his step. He would go ahead and clock out. He could log in to work later and submit his report. The precinct had recently upgraded to remote access. It hadn’t rolled out to all officers, but Rhys had been one of the lucky ones who got to try out the system first. This would give him a chance to do just that.

He headed through the building and made it to the bullpen. He wanted to see if he could ‘run into’ Jordan before they got off work. Too bad she hadn’t allowed them to ride together into work. They could stop for a drink at a bar or something before heading home.

The hairs on the back of his neck rose as he saw a few of the cops surrounding Captain Spook.

Something was wrong.

Amber and Dana stood before him along with other females who worked at the precinct.

“The hospital is keeping me up to date on her, and from what I hear, she is doing well,” Spook said.

“Is she conscious?” Dana asked.

“Can we go see her?” Amber asked.

These must be the same questions that all the cops standing around had because some nods went around.

What the hell had happened?

With all the commotion at the gas station, Rhys had muted his radio while making the arrest. He must have missed an announcement of an officer getting injured on the job. Rhys’s gut gave him that low warning that he didn’t like.

“As soon as I know more, I will share what I can. I will speak with her family, and there are already other officers there. Hold off going up there. We don’t want the entire precinct flooding the hospital. We want to make sure they are able to take care of not only the officer, but other patients who are going in to be served,” Spook said.

That seemed to satisfy the small group before they began to disperse. Rhys made his way over to Dana. The nausea in his stomach grew. He pushed it down. There were plenty of female cops on the force that Spook could be speaking about.

“Dana,” he called out to get her attention. He didn’t give a damn what he looked like at the moment. He had to know who they were talking about.

Dana and Amber were speaking quietly amongst each other. She turned to him as he stopped by them. He jerked his thumb to Spook who was stalking back toward his office with his secretary in tow.

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