Page 64 of Dirty Ultimatum

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“Since he wants to insinuate that someone is specifically targeting a member of my team, and if that is the case, then they will have to deal with not just her, but all of SWAT.”

Parson swallowed hard. His eyes were wide as he tried to return Mac’s stare. After about two seconds, he glanced over at Jordan.

“From what we gathered, it appeared to be a direct hit against Officer Knight. We haven’t had any act against the CPD in years?—”

“Oh, you mean patrol cops or cops who act like they are managing the scene of a crime?” Mac cut in. His scowl grew even deeper. He marched over to Parson.

Jordan scrambled to the edge of the bed, ready to intervene between the two men if need be. Damn any side effects from the pain medication. Whatever had been floating around in her system was long gone.

Parson took a step back but then halted as Mac came to stand in front of him. Mac towered over the older sergeant by at least four inches.

“Knight is a member of SWAT, therefore under my protection. If you truly think someone is after her, then you need to cut the bullshit and tell me everything you know now.” His words ended on a growl.

Jordan stood slightly from the bed. She tilted off to the side for a brief moment before righting herself.

Mac glanced over at his shoulder at her. “Bed.”

His low command had her flying back to where he’d commanded her. Parson was on his own. Jordan slid back onto the mattress and pulled the blanket over her. She stared wide-eyed at Mac’s back. He turned back to Parson once he was satisfied she had obeyed.

“Look, Mac. I’m just going off of?—”

“So you have no real proof?” Mac bit out.

“No, not yet. We still need to look into some leads,” Parson stuttered. If there was ever a live action of someone sweating bullets, it was this man right now. A few trails of sweat slid down along his hairline and disappeared underneath his shirt collar.

“Go do your little investigation, and then I expect you to report everything you learn to me,” Mac said.

Parson nodded. His audible gulp was the only sound in the room. He sidestepped Mac and headed toward the door. He didn’t even glance backward at them as he disappeared through it.

Mac paused for a second before turning to her. His gaze softened from the deadly glare to the concerned big brother look. Mac was a bulldog when it came to her and the other members of SWAT. He was the protective older sibling who took responsibility of them all. “You good?”

Jordan nodded, feeling herself become choked up with emotions. She had to tell him everything. There was no doubt that Mac needed to know what was going on. After this day, it was apparent that Jordan couldn’t do this alone. She would need a team to have her six.

Maybe one day, Rhys would understand why she needed to leave. Once she left the hospital, she would go and have the dreaded conversation, pull her heart out of her chest and leave it with him, because that was where it would belong.

“I never got a chance to say thanks for coming.” Jordan cleared her throat.

Mac stood at the foot of the bed. A small ghost of a smile hinted on his lips.

“That’s what I’m here for, Knight,” he replied.

Jordan blew out a deep breath. It was now or never to have the conversation with her sergeant.

“Look, Mac. There’s something I need to get off my chest?—”

“Knock, knock,” a voice and knuckles rapping on the door interrupted her.

Brodie, Myles, and Ash tumbled through the door while Iker, Zain, and Declan followed behind them. Jordan laughed at their silliness. The guys held grins and smiles on their faces, but she saw the concern in their eyes immediately. She fought back tears to know these men truly cared for her. Ash carried a bouquet of multicolored balloons over to the windowsill while Iker tossed her a stuffed bear.

“We heard these things can cheer a person up,” Iker said.

Jordan caught the bear and turned it around. It had a bow tie around its neck with the words ‘get well soon’ imprinted on it.

“Why are flowers in the hospital so damn expensive?” Myles muttered. He placed the vase he carried next to the balloons.

“Why are you so damn cheap?” Ash snickered.

Chuckles filled the room. They all took turns coming over to her to either hug her or muss her hair with their large hands. Jordan didn’t care what she looked like at the moment. She just knew that these men were her family.

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