Page 63 of Dirty Ultimatum

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Jordan gave a nod. Neveah waved at her and ambled out of the room, leaving Jordan alone with the newcomer.

“I’m Sergent Pat Parson. I was in charge of your accident. We need to chat,” he said. He walked forward and pushed the door slightly closed.

Jordan knew this was coming. She had hoped they would have given her enough time before coming to question her.

“Sergeant,” Jordan murmured. She sat up taller in the bed and repositioned her pillows behind her. She wished she could stand up, but the drugs they had given her were making her slightly loopy and off-balance. She cleared her throat, ready for the interrogation. Nervous butterflies filled her stomach.

This is standard procedure, she reminded herself. This wasn’t like back in Atlanta when she was interrogated about her relationship with Bravon.

This was different.

They would want to speak with her as soon as possible after the event.

“I’m just going to be straightforward and get to the point,” he said. He pulled a small notepad out of his pocket.

Jordan could respect that. There didn’t need to be any pussyfooting around the situation. He could ask his questions and leave. She tried to appear calm, but those damn butterfliesin her stomach were fluttering harder. She wasn’t sure why she was feeling so anxious. She cleared her throat again and focused on the sergeant.

“Mind if I come in?” a familiar voice sounded in the doorway. Even though it was a question, the person truly wasn’t asking.

Relief filled Jordan at the sight of Mac. He was dressed in a black CPD t-shirt, cargo pants, and boots. His badge hung around his neck while he also had his weapon in a holster on his hip. He shot a glare at Parson as he entered the room. Mac strolled over to her and gently rested a hand for a moment on her shoulder, going to stand by the window near her. The move meant everything to Jordan. It signified that had he had her back. She threw him a small smile of thanks.

“Of course you are welcome, Sergeant MacArthur.” Parson’s hand shook slightly as he clicked his pen. He glanced down at his book before looking over at Jordan. “Let’s start at the beginning, please. What prompted you to pursue the original SUV?”

Jordan shared the story of finishing her one stop where she gave a warning and then what was witnessed by the SUV. It was standard. Any cop would have followed behind the vehicle to investigate. Parson jotted down a few notes but didn’t interrupt her. They moved on to her call for assistance. He asked questions regarding the dispatcher, the response, and the time frame the other police cars arrived.

Jordan answered all questions truthfully. She had nothing to hide regarding the pursuit. Mac remained quiet while the questioning went on, but Jordan knew him well enough to know he was reserving his questions for her for later when the sergeant left. It was Parson’s next question that had Jordan hesitating.

“Why do you think you were targeted in this attack?” Parson asked.

Jordan froze and stared at him. She glanced over at Mac who’s expression didn’t give away what he was thinking. His gaze shifted from Parson to her while they waited for her to answer.

“What do you mean?” Jordan asked, turning back to Parson. Dammit. How would he have known that this was a blatant attempt on her life and not some random cop? She had kept all her answers to his question generalized and factual without implying that this had anything to do with her personally.

“Let’s review what happened. You pursued a vehicle who clearly knew you would see them break the traffic law and go after them. They led you away to where another vehicle could join in, and then from what reports of witnesses have said, boxed you in then a third vehicle came and t-boned your vehicle. Does this sum up the events?” Parson asked.

The memory of everything that happened flashed before her eyes. A slight twinge of the headache was creeping back in. Jordan didn’t—couldn’t—let on that she agreed it was intentional. That would open up a whole new can of worms she couldn’t afford to deal with at this particular moment.

“Just because it was me in the patrol car doesn’t mean they targeted me exactly. That could have been any officer at that light. Maybe this was an act against the police and I just happened to be the unlucky one in that area at that particular time,” Jordan replied. She reached up and tucked an unruly strand of hair behind her ear. She met Parson’s gaze steadily as she waited for him to continue.

“Why would you think they would have targeted Officer Knight?” Mac’s low voice startled Jordan.

She hadn’t expected him to speak while she was being questioned.

“Why wouldn’t I think they weren’t targeting her?” Sergeant Parson roared back.

Jordan’s eyes widened at the change in the sergeant.

“Were you not listening?” he asked.

Someone had grown balls. This was definitely a different disposition since Mac had first entered the room.

A muscle in Mac’s jawline jumped, but he didn’t take the bait. He waited for the other sergeant to continue. Parson ran a trembling hand along his face. He slid his notebook into his pocket and the pen in a chest slot of his uniform.

“Sir, I do not think they were targeting me specifically?—”

“Knight, let the man finish,” Mac growled. He pushed off the windowsill where he had propped himself and stood to his full height. He casually folded his arms while shooting Parson a glare.

Jordan swallowed hard. She knew that look. She rested back against the pillow while her sergeant handled Parson.

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